Any suggestions for methods of motivation ?? I have been trying to stick with a 6:30 workout shcedule.
Any suggestions for methods of motivation ?? I have been trying to stick with a 6:30 workout shcedule.
Just think that everyday you wake up for it, thats one day closer to a ripped to shreds bod and more chicks. My motivation is not pissing off the Master Sergeant, Captains, and Major if Im not there.
Hmm, sounds scary. I might put a pic of a hottie above my bed to entice my mind and motivate me to workout.
There you go, just dont wake up and start goin to town, if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Soldier of Misfortune
I have a work out partner. I would never let a bro down, so I am there, come rain or shine.Originally Posted by Hugh-Hefner's-Son
Sounds like soldier does the same thing, only he has a lot more partners!![]()
it saids.........
"While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it."
....i have that poster right over my bed........its movtivates me like no other
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH
Motivation comes from within oneself. I would say if you have none at 6:30am than maybe change the time if possible..
I asked the same question a while back, Thanks to all the positive feed back I got my ass out of bed, then I started to see results.
The results are now the source of my motivation, it works, and works great.
like Nike, " Just do it "
Most people that have to motivate themselves to work out at a certain time don't end up working out for more than a few months. I always tell people to work out when you have the energy to do it. That's not the case with everyone, but the vast majority of people end up giving up after a while of forcing themselves to do something.
Roll your ass outta bed, put on some metal, get pumped, and rip the **** out of your body. Also since you're working out in the mornings, in a few months when u take a day off of work and go in during the evening all the ****ers won't belive how big you've gotten. Oh, I eat fruit when I work out in the morning, gets my glucose up and I have more energy. Or just drink a red bull, can even go sugar free!!
Thanks for all the intelligent responses. (Danielle I want that poster)
I guess there is no simple solution or anwser to my question. I truly belive that the key to unlocking motivation lies in each indivigiual's ability to foreshadowing themsleves in a positive light somewhere in their future. If we can picture our hard work paying off and reaping the benifits, that is motivation in itself.
I can't wait for the day when I will take my shirt off on the beach and the females will ask if they can punch my abdominals....![]()
Last edited by Hugh-Hefner's-Son; 08-11-2004 at 01:50 PM.
Think about all your fathers' girlfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Hugh-Hefner's-Son; 08-11-2004 at 01:54 PM.
big cut of coffee
BIG CUP!!!!!
ECA stacks can motivate the fattest laziest bastard
Motivation.... Here's a quote from that i got....
"Because I like looking and feeling good and knowing that each time I step into the gym, I will come out both physically and mentally better then when I first walked in. That right there is my motivation. Having friends and family I haven't seen in a while say to me "Holy ****, you got big man!" is my motivation. Knowing I can bench more then everyone I know is my motivation. Watching other people become totally out of breath after playing basketball while I'm breathing fine is my motivation. Knowing that you are reading this and that you will try to look better than me is my motivation."
True DBarcelo, they say it takes one 21 days to establish a routine. Once this level is reached it should become easier for the indivigual to preform on a daily baisis.
Morning workouts are hard , I am finding that proper mental and physical prep the night before is also a key element for succsess.
Originally Posted by MikeyZ23
****ing awesome!!!
Watch Rocky I....that'll give you some motivation to get up early.
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