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  1. #1
    Groundid is offline New Member
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    Talking How To Increase Bench Press Weight

    What is the best way to add weight to your bench press? Currently I am lifting as follows:

    1st set: 135 ten times
    2nd set: 185 eight times
    3rd set: 205 six times
    4th set: 225 seven times
    5th set: 205 six times

    Should I add more weight to my 4th set and keep the rest the same? I like doing the first set light just so I can warm up. I currently weigh only 155 lbs and am about 5'7 feet tall. Any advice would be appreciated, and what a great site this is !!!

  2. #2
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Chest and Tri's go hand in hand toward getting the bench numbers up..What do you do for tri's?

  3. #3
    Aboot's Avatar
    Aboot is offline Banned
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    Are you looking for a routine to incorporate into a bodybuilding program or a powerlifting program?

  4. #4
    Groundid is offline New Member
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    I usually just do seated dips for Tri's. I've pretty much maxed out the machine at Bally's on that one too but it is one of my favorite exercises to do.

    I used to do an additional Tri machine where you sit down and push up but I have really tiny wrists, like Lou Forregno wrists, and that other machine really put alot of stress on them so I had to stop using it. I've knocked out my right wrist several times where I had to take a week off in order to recover.

    But really I was really just wondering whether or not I should increase weight on my first set or start adding additional weight to my 4th set to bring the reps down a little. Eventually I will reach the point where I'm doing 8-9 reps at 225 so I'm not sure where I would get the most benefit, adding more weight to the first and second sets or just keep increasing the weight on my fourth set and keep doing that.

  5. #5
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    Do this program... It says increase your bench by 50 lbs, it's more like 20-25, but it does work. I tried it last year and gained 25 lbs to my 1RM.

  6. #6
    Groundid is offline New Member
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    Well really I would like to incorporate a routine that would increase my mass a little more. I dont really weigh that much (155lbs) and I have a hard time gaining weight. In fact, before I started working out on a regular basis I was 30lbs lighter.

  7. #7
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The next time you bench warmup with 135lbs or what ever and then start out with 225lbs. If you can bench 225lbs 7 times on your third set why are you wearing yourself out with two sets of light weight reps before you hit the big weight. Start at 225lbs and if you can do that 8-9-10 times then next workout start out with a weight that you can only do 6 reps or less.

    If you are concentrating on strength you need to lower your rep scheme to something like this.

    1st set 6 reps
    2nd set 4-5 reps
    3rd set 3-4 reps
    4th set 2 reps

    then maybe do a single heavy rep with a higher weight afterwards. Thats how a powerlifter would do it.

    board presses
    wide grip press
    and increasing your lat base will add to your bench.

    If you can do ten of anything you are not lifting heavy enough.

  8. #8
    znak's Avatar
    znak is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    If you can bench 225lbs 7 times on your third set why are you wearing yourself out with two sets of light weight reps before you hit the big weight.

    If you can do ten of anything you are not lifting heavy enough.
    Anhydro has it in the nutshell. You are tiring yourself out with weights that don't challenge YOUR body. Warm up and then lift big.

    To lift more, you have to be around your max on more sets. Logical.

    Your last three sets should be about 80%, 90% and 95% of your 1RM.

    For your tris do dips and weghted dips. If you are benching 225, you should be able to do ten dips with a plate on your belt. Do four set with a plate on your belt. You will feel it the first time you do it.

    Weighted dips will REALLY help you bench.

    Dip machines are OK if you can't handle your own body weight or for warming up, but as a means to build your tri's they are total BS- not enough weight, you can pick your strongest path, no need to use auxillary muscles, etc.

    PS- dips will also build up your wrist power which you will need for benching 300 after you get your tri's up to snuff!!! Go for it!

  9. #9
    GoingBiG's Avatar
    GoingBiG is offline Junior Member
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    Do you know a guy called Boris Sheiko?

  10. #10
    Groundid is offline New Member
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    Nope. I just signed up the other night.

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