i just wanted to know how you felt about doing cardio after leg day. i usually don't because i don't want to overwork them and keep them from recuperation and growth? Does anyone else feel this way?
i just wanted to know how you felt about doing cardio after leg day. i usually don't because i don't want to overwork them and keep them from recuperation and growth? Does anyone else feel this way?
when i do cardio, i do it on legs days. i try to finish them off when they're already tired
dude, i coudn't. the only thing i can think of is pounding a post workout shake after leg day. i have no energy when im done and can barely walk. im so drained when done. do you think that cardio done the day after inhibits recovery?
I train how I feel if i want to do cardio after a workout I will if not I do it the day after on my rest day stops me from getting stiff and too sore do what works best for you bro
Hell cardio after a leg workout, is when I do it as well. I am tired, but I push my body, and try to find that second wind, and that makes my legs really feel pumped the next day.
the only way to make them grow and get strong is to rip them to shreds. each time you workout you have to push a little harder.
Newest research says do your cardio on non training days. That it can actually hinder your growth. Especially when you need specific micro-nutients within a certain period of time after training. Why not do your cardio first thing on an empty stomach, and a cup of joe. Then train legs later.
I'm with DB101 on this one. No disrespect to the others. Sometimes you have to follow basic training priciples to a "T" and other times you have to train instinctivly and listen to your body. I have my best results when I do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. When I'm really trying to shed fat I'll do cardio again (only 20-30min) after training. But never on leg day. I can barley walk up the stairs after that so I like to give myself that recovery period. Again...it's an individual preference in my books, try differen't approaches and see what works best for you.
yes, do cardio on legs days, but be aware of your body and how it is reacting to it, you dont want to cramp or lock up your muscles, so just monitor your body's reaction to it.
Dumbells, Pete- That is when I do my cardio- in the morning first thing empty stom. But my question is >would you do cardio the next morning after >>>>>>leg day, since they should be in prime recovery. I usually never do because I feel that they have been worked very hard and don't need to take anymore beating...sometimes I wait a couple days before doing cardio again because there so sore. I feel that doing cardio when very sore is just plain out catabolic. Just my peso's worth>
If you need the cardio then do it, but don't train at high intensity. Use the treadmill with little or no incline for example. If you're legs are dead the next day then make sure you're getting enough sleep and eating correctly right after your workout sessoin. You should also be using a glutamine supplement, and perhaps a scoop of protein before bed.
Yeah bro I got all that in check. I just wanted to hear if others felt the same way I did. _ thanks
I generally do my cardio in the morning too but, I do like to do cardio right after legs sometimes thought. I love to feel the burn. Then again I love the soreness the day after a good workout. Does this make me sick? What about the fact that I like cardio sometimes? Yes, I guess it does. lol
I don't run the morning after though (my legs need time to recoup). I work legs HARD!
Forgot to mention I like needles too. I cant wait for my first cycle. Maybe I should seek professional help?
Hell Ron,
I thought I was the only sicko here.. I see I have a psychotic brother in our mists.. heeee haaa..
Glad to see Im not alone Bro. Sometimes even I wonder about myself.
I'm with you on this one, I beat the shit out of my legs and it DOES take me a couple days, sometimes up to 4-5 to FULLY recover. I train legs on Thurs, and I only do cardio twice a week (Wed and Sun so it doesn't interfere with leg recoop), because I'm about to start bulking, and I figure the less cardio I do now, when i start to do more when cutting, the more results I'll see.
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