i have always gone to complete muscle failure on pretty much every set for every exercise, not including a couple of warm up sets to begging with.
i normally rest 6 days in between each muscle group
so chest on a Monday would be
Bench press: 4 sets
Inc Dumbell press: 3 sets
Dec Dumbell press: 3 sets
then i would train chest in the same way (but adding slightly more weight if possible) the following Sunday
but i have just been reading Lee Apperson's intensity training book (on his official website) and he says that you should only go to failure once a month on a particular exercise.
do you think i am doing too much?
i dont train a muscle again if it is still tired
i am currently in my third week of a test/ d-bol cycle
but i trained in the same way when i wasnt on gear
results were good for a year and cr@p for a year (which is why i decided to use AS)
i am currently 185lbs, been training for 2 years