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Thread: is going 2 failure on every set 2 much?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby

    is going 2 failure on every set 2 much?

    i have always gone to complete muscle failure on pretty much every set for every exercise, not including a couple of warm up sets to begging with.

    i normally rest 6 days in between each muscle group
    so chest on a Monday would be

    Bench press: 4 sets
    Inc Dumbell press: 3 sets
    Dec Dumbell press: 3 sets

    then i would train chest in the same way (but adding slightly more weight if possible) the following Sunday

    but i have just been reading Lee Apperson's intensity training book (on his official website) and he says that you should only go to failure once a month on a particular exercise.

    do you think i am doing too much?
    i dont train a muscle again if it is still tired

    i am currently in my third week of a test/ d-bol cycle
    but i trained in the same way when i wasnt on gear
    results were good for a year and cr@p for a year (which is why i decided to use AS)

    i am currently 185lbs, been training for 2 years

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    here is a paragraph i copied from his web site

    "How hard should you train? At least 80% intensity (with a mind focused on progressing in weight or reps on your core exercises) and sometimes even more. Keep it enjoyable and train like you mean it. 2 good sets are worth 200 half hearted sets. FOCUS on your set. Push yourself. When the muscles start to fail be sure it really is failure. Speaking of which..I always advise my clients to train super super hard ( I mean till the sweat is shooting out of your eyes) but stop your sets 1 or 2 reps before failure (except for once or twice a month during the super hard or peak workout for that month). It sounds like conflicting advice but it is really the best way to avoid injury and over training and it works."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yes, I think going to failure everytime is soon setting you up for failure. Once or twice a month is good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    how about on a cycle

    surely u can up the intensity then?

    how about one set to failure on each exercise (the final set for each exercise)

    so on chest day if i'm doing 3 exercises - i will go to failure 3 times

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    i know it varies from person to person and you should listen to your body but
    i never know what to do with all this conflicting advice around

    a comment made by lee priest that caught my attention:

    Qu Did you push most sets to failure?

    Ans Yep, every set. If I don't get to failure when I get to eight reps, then I don't count that set. I'll increase the weight and do the set again.

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