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Thread: Anyone heard of 5 Factor Fitness?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Lightbulb Anyone heard of 5 Factor Fitness?

    Hey bros I just got back from a fitness conference in NYC sponsored by TSI. I went to a whole bunch of lectures and the one that caught my eye was from a guy named Harley Pasternak. He talked about his program which he gives to celebrities and I was wondering whether any of you know what I am talking about.

    Phase 1 Non-impact Cardio warmup
    Phase 2 Torso
    -chest, back, shoulders
    Phase 3
    -Quads, hams, bi's, tri's
    Phase 4 Abs
    Phase 5 5-30 min cardio

    The routine looks like this

    Sets Reps Rest Wks # of exercises/body part
    3 30 90 1 1
    3 25 80 2 1
    4 20 70 3 1
    4 15 60 4 1
    5 10 50 5 1
    4 15 60 6 1
    4 20 70 7 1
    3 25 80 8 1
    3 30 90 9 1

    Day 1: Superset Any Chest Flye (incline, dec, flat, cable) and any Quad exercise using 2 legs (squat, leg press, extention) with one exercise of each
    Then do crunches and then Phase 5 (cardio)

    Day 2: Superset Rhomboids (rows) and Hams (curling movements)
    Then do obliques then do Pahse 5

    Day 3: Off

    Day 4: Superset Any Chest Press with Any single quad exercise (lunge, single leg press, single extention)
    Then do crunches and Phase 5

    Day 5: Superset Lats (pulldown, pull up, single arm, row, t-bar row) with Hams (Stiff leg deadlift, back extension)
    Then do obliques and Phase 5

    Day 6: Superset Shoulders (any exercise except front raises) with Bi's
    Superset Tris with Calves
    Then do Transverse ab movements and Phase 5

    The way this works is you look at each week on the diagram and you follow that routine for the whole week with these exercises using only one exercise to do the amount of sets suggested with the corresponding reps and rest periods.

    Let me know what you guys think. I am going to give this a shot and see what happens. Its only 9 weeks so I figure what the hay.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    Honestly I didnt even take the time to read all the way through. The fact that it is given to celebs makes me think it is mostly focused on toning the body, not building it. So for that it probably works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    well mostly for aethetic purposes. I am already pretty thick and big so i want to cut up a little.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    This is a workout for the average person who just wants to improve their fitness and lose a few pounds. If you have a big frame and some decent muscle mass this might be usefull if you are short on time for a few months and want to maintain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    well thats fine by me cus i def want to look better before i start getting any bigger. I am happy with my current size for now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    anyone else got any opinions on this training program?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    I have never seen that program. As a Personal Trainer, I design a program based on the needs/goals of my clients. To advocate a "set" program for individuals seems uneducated and ridiculous to me. It would be no difference if Swolecat (I use him as an example to illustrate my point) gave the same diet to every client. There are many variables to consider before prescribing exercise. Let us know what results you get.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    i def will let ya guys know.....i am anxious as well to find out the results i get from this program.

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