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One myth that has pervaded the fitness world for a long time is that low intensity
aerobic exercise burns more body fatBurns a higher percentage of fat than high intensity aerobic exercise. This theory
suggests that once your heart rate rises out of the "target fat-burning zone," you cease to burn fat and you burn mostly carbohydratesTrue, at higher intensities, you increase your reliance on carbohydrate metabolism . Therefore, the theory goes, the best way to lose fat is low intensity aerobic exercise. This myth prompted many personal trainers and exercise organizations to promote low intensity aerobic training as the ideal way to lose fat. Their advice: “Exercise at a low intensity for a long duration for fat loss.†Unfortunately, they are dead wrong. If this were true, we could extend the low intensity fat-burning zone theory to it's logical conclusion and say that sleeping for twelve hours a day is the ultimate fat burner because when you’re sleeping (a very low intensity activity indeed) you’re burning the greatest proportion of fat to carbohydrate. The problem is, because sleeping is so “low in intensity,†it hardly burns any calories! If the intensity of an activity is too low, you don’t burn enough total calories to have any impact on fat lossThats why there are optimal percentages on HR .
At lower intensities, you burn a greater percentage of calories from fat than
carbohydrates,Therefore, if you were looking to lose fat and preserve LBM, would it not make sense to make fat your predominant fuel sorce and at higher intensities you burn a greater percentage of calories from
carbohydratesI would like to save my glucose and glycogen for resistance training . High intensity aerobic exercise can use as much as 65% of the body's
energy needs in the form of carbohydrateIt can use 100% actually. If you work at a high enough intensity, you can start using lactic acid as a fuel source by coverting it to pyruvate, then transforming it into acetly-CoA and entering the krebs cycles. This is called the Cori cycle. . The most important issue for fat loss is not the ratio of fat to carbohydrate burned, but the total number of calories burned and high intensity aerobic exercise burns the most calories! The lower the intensity, the lower the total number of calories burned and the higher the intensity, the greater the number of calories burned I disagree, all calories are not created equal!! . High intensity cardio also raises your metabolic rate after the workout to a much greater degree than low intensity cardio. That’s why high intensity cardio is better, provided that you can maintain it for a long enough duration to burn an appreciable number of caloriesIntensity and duration share an inverse relationship. .
Another reason you burn more fat with a longer workout is because you tend to favor the use of glycogen early in the workout, and then as your glycogen becomes depleted, stored body fat becomes the primary fuel source.True, this is why in a fasting state (am cardio) you have a lower R value.
As long as you get enough cals. a day you dont not need to worry about lossing muscle.Macronutrient breakdowns plays the key role in catabolism!!