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  1. #1
    spoonta66's Avatar
    spoonta66 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Full routine including diet for 15 week bulk.

    6’6”, 260lbs 15% body fat or near enough 28yo.

    Going to be doing a bulking cycle in January next year running the following.

    Sustanon - Week 1-10, 500mg/week (250mg mon & thurs)
    D-bol- Week 1-4, 35mg/day (25 if i get pain)
    Nolva- Week 1-15, 20mg/day
    Clomid- Week 13-15, Day1, 300mg; Day2-14, 100mg/ed; Day15-21, 50mg/ed (start 2 weeks after last sust. shot)
    Femera-Week 1-15, 0.25mg ed

    - squats/leg press (sets of 12, 8, 5) old injury makes it hard to do squats all the time.
    - lunges (sets of 12, 8, 5)
    - leg extensions (sets of 10, 8)
    - leg curls (sets of 12, 8, 5)
    - calf raises (sets of 15, 12, 10)

    - bench press (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - incline bench press (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - pec fly (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - close grip bench presses (sets of 10, 8)
    - lying triceps extensions/"skull crushers" (sets of 10, 8)
    - military press (sets of 10, 8)
    - upright rows (sets of 10, 8)

    - wide grip chin-ups (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    -bent over rows (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - dead lifts (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - barbell curls (sets of 10, 8, 6)
    - wrist curls (sets of 12, 10, 8)

    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday rest and early morning cardio on a couple of them if i feel like it.

    Cardio 2-3 times a week just to keep my heart pumping.

    I am going to be mixing this up a little with a low weight high rep workout every third week to keep my muscles guessing.

    Trying to keep up to at least 4500 cal /day

    Meal 1:
    8 Egg Whites 2 whole egg omlette, 1.25 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
    62.5g protein / 67.5g carbs / 5g fat
    Meal 2:
    Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies, 125g pasta
    70g protein / 102g carbs / 20g fat
    Meal 3:
    2 Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice
    75g protein / 84g carbs / 4.5g Fat
    Meal 4:
    2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp lite Mayonnaise, Veggies
    60g protein / 2g carbs / 9g Fat


    Meal 5: PWO
    Post workout super shake:
    1.7oz Myoplex deluxe, 20g MSM/Glucosamine/Chondroitin powder, 1tbs UDO’S choice oil, 1 scoop GNC 100% whey protein, 1tbs Spirulina powder mixed in 500ml full fat milk.
    48.1g protein / 46.2g carb / 38.5g fat
    Meal 6:
    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, 2 slices whole wheat bread, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked), ½ cup mixed salad sprouts
    56g protein / 100.5g carbs / 3g fat
    Meal 7: Pro/Fat
    Turkey, 125g pasta
    65g protein / 105g carbs / 2.8g fat
    Meal 8: Before Bed
    3 Scoops of Whey Protein, 1 Tbsp. UDO’S Choice oil
    63g protein / 3g carbs / 29g Fat

    499.5g protein = 1998c
    468.7g carbs= 1874c
    110.7g fat= 996c

    Total calories= 4868c not including fruit throughout the day liver tonics or anti oxidants. Will slowly increase this throughout the 15 weeks.

    Please critique as harshly as possible cause this is just the first draft and i still got alot of fine tuning to do.
    Last edited by spoonta66; 09-20-2004 at 07:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Post your diet in the diet forum.
    I would suggest a frequency of 2x/week with your volume of training (9 sets/bodypart) or increase volume and manipulate your split. You are also on cycle!
    I would have a different plan of attack than to train 3x/weekly while taking anabolics~

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