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Thread: starting to get a flat tummy but is this right for abs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    starting to get a flat tummy but is this right for abs?

    i havent been on my diet that long but my tummy is getting flat,i dont really have any abs maybe a bit but i havent really worked them whats the best ways to get the abs growing fast,im doing 100 reps once a week is this too many reps?how long does it normally take to get the abs showing well with little stomach fat?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    to have visable abs you need three things in check

    Quote Originally Posted by irish bulldog
    i havent been on my diet that long but my tummy is getting flat,i dont really have any abs maybe a bit but i havent really worked them whats the best ways to get the abs growing fast,im doing 100 reps once a week is this too many reps?how long does it normally take to get the abs showing well with little stomach fat?
    1.) solid diet
    2.)low bf% , which is acheived through that diet and cardio if needed
    3.) development. you could be 104lbs soaking wet at 3% bf and if the development is not there don't expect to be doing laundry on your stomach anytime soon
    100 reps is too little IMO even if you are using moderate to heavy resistance in your training. my ab program is a 400 rep one that encompasses 4 movements w/ moderate to heavy resistance. it's done 3- 4 times per week when in the development stage. once developed a maintenance program can be devolped with lower volume , but that stages generally does not come into play in the first year if you have no visable abs with low bf.
    that's my feeling on the matter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Frank Zane the 1st Olympia did anywhere from 500-1000 every day. Both with & without weight. Opps Larry Scott was the 1st O in1965. Frank Zane was in 1977-9
    Last edited by bluethunder; 10-07-2004 at 03:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM
    everyone has a different god**** idea about working abs. Hard not to consider partyboy's advice considering he actually has a sixer. I really can't decide which routines to pick, eventhough abs really arent a bodypart that I put much priority on eventhough I can see the top 4 on a good day. I do crunches with moderate dumbells like 50-65lbs (really slowly) for 3x15-20 and cable pulldowns for 3x20 once a week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    thanks for the feedback will do more ,more times a week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Remember, 400 reps does not mean 4 sets of 100 crunches. Remember, moderate to heavy weights with moderate reps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    OK abs are just like any other muscle and abs are also one of the slowest muscles to grow.. You can do 4 sets of 30 reps EOD of just crunches and be fine. Now as for the "you could be 104lbs soaking wet at 3% bf and if the development is not there don't expect to be doing laundry on your stomach anytime soon" I slighty disagree with this... Everyone has abs. But you need to get to a low enough bf for you to notice them.. Anything under 11 % and you will start seeing them.. There is no such thing is spot reduction.. Ie doing 1000 crunches a day hoping to burn the fat off your "tummy", it just wont happen.. Like I said abs are a muscle just like any other and also need time to rest to build.. You dont need weight to build your abs.. But then again that also depends on what kind of abs you want.. If you want huge bulky thick abs then yes doing then with some type of weighted resistance is needed other wise plane on crunches are fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    you shoudn't use anybody elses routine, it might not work or be right for you. Considering you said you have a lack of ab development, partyboys routine would probably not be right for you to start. You need to take in everybody's advice and build the routine that works best for YOU!

    My ab routine looks like this:
    jackknifes to warm up
    inverted sit ups with 45lb plate
    incline reverse crunches with ankle weights
    then oblique work...

    play with different exercises, and see what you like. I like the reverse crunches because it targets my lower abs where i really like to have the cut, because that is genetically where my fat pocket is!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    obviously everyone has abdominals

    or we would all be bent over forward. i see all the time that guys lean out and say , "where are my pronounced abs?" we to make them pronounced you have to develop them. that's why i say that being very thin and a low % of bodyfat does not always guarentee a visually pleasing midsection if pronunciation is what you find pleasing.
    i am a firm believer in my theory that MASS BUILDS RIPPED PHYSIQUES WHEN LOW BODYFAT IS KEPT. i will never believe anything else. if you're very low bodyfat, **** shaping exercises and "definition" developing movements. build mass. it will distend from your joints and overall skeletal structure, if you are very lean, creating the seperation, density, and striations most guys are looking for.
    dorian preached this and leep riest some years ago agreed with it and wrote on it a few times to some degree, but i firmly believe it and stand by it in every conversation i have with some when they ask how i built my physique.
    goes for abs too

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