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Thread: How To Become Personal Trainer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Question: How do I Become a Personal Trainer

    Am interested in becoming a Personal Trainer. I'm in Toronto, Canada. Can anyone tell me where to begin. What and where should I look?

    Last edited by JoeB; 10-20-2004 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Talk to some PT in the area. Heck evan sign up for a few workouts for that matter. You can go online & do google search it has many ways of getting certified. There are classes to do and home study. I am certified in Weider Bodybuilding which the guy who I originally delt with was from Canada. I am also NESTA (national endurance & sports trainers association) just recently. I would also recommend ISSA (international sports sciences association) who has 2 day seminars with world reknown Tom Platz& Fred Hatfield. Go to for more info. It pays to be somewhat knowledgeable before hand. I see many PT who have degrees in physiology/kinesiology who have limited experience giving old school advice. But the sam token some have much knowledge in regards to anatomy more than myself. The last health club I was part of hired BS & MS people who had a great educaton but lacked real training & many came to me asking some sort of advice on the exercises. There is much more to being a PT than just lifting too it has to reflect your lifestyle change. And if you have a half-way built body people will listen to your advice evan if it may not be the best advice..If you do pursue it be conditioned will help tremendously, good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    And if you have a half-way built body people will listen to your advice evan if it may not be the best advice..If you do pursue it be conditioned will help tremendously, good luck.
    Yeah, if it's YOU and who you are, it'll work out.

    If you are one who just wants to get "certified" to tell people what to do, that won't work. It's better if it's who you are, you love it, live it, breathe it, etc., and don't just sit there and regurgitate information that 1000's are tested on to pass generic/simplistic certifications. Nothing worse than a trainer who operates as a walking regurgitator of old information, all while not even LOOKING the part.

    Can't tell you how many of those there are in the world and on the Net!

    Best of luck to you!


  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    I would start w/ an Educational background in Exercise Physiology. You need to learn how exercise effects the body. Therefore, you will know what stimulus to present to your client to ellicit the response they want. As far as certifications, I would look into ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i've been doing it for 10 years

    now have my own gym and a PT program design and training business. you have to live it and love helping people like swole said. you are a coach, educator, psychologist, motivator, role model, shrink(oh yes..), etc. yoru best trainers are those who are well read in a myriad of related fields. when i hear, "i'm certified" i want to shoot these people in the face. that can mean as little as..."i paid $500 bucks to sit in a class for 3 DAYS and take an exam." don't be impressed by the word certified. 99% of trainers are glorified rep counter and some can't even ****ign do that,haha. if you are going to do it, do it and learn something new everyday

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Anyone know on average how long it generally takes to look the information to get certified by the major associations? I don't think i will need to learn as much as most people to get certified, but im sure there are still wholes in my knowledge base in exercise physiology and kinesiology that i will need to patch up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks for the advice everyone. I was actually looking for a spacific program that was well recognized, keeping in mind that I'm Canadian. A few were given above and all the advice was excellent.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    ISSA is not confined to the US...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    Anyone know on average how long it generally takes to look the information to get certified by the major associations? I don't think i will need to learn as much as most people to get certified, but im sure there are still wholes in my knowledge base in exercise physiology and kinesiology that i will need to patch up.
    Depends how much you know?? Take this pretest and see how you do.
    This is for the CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists) thru the NSCA. The test questions are somewhat harder in my opinion~

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypertrophy
    Depends how much you know?? Take this pretest and see how you do.
    This is for the CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists) thru the NSCA. The test questions are somewhat harder in my opinion~
    Nice, thanks alot...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    go w/ NSCA in my opinion

    i can tell you with no uncertainty that any top tier facility ONLY accepts NSCA, ACSM, and for some unknown reason ACE (which i have seen the student text and a copy of the exam and find it to test nothign but legal and code of ethic matters). if you take the time to call major facilities they will tell you this is true. in nyc, chelsea pier, 92nd street Y, Reebok, and such will accept nothing less. like i say though and i'm sure hypertrophy will atest to is that you are only as good as your outside research. CEU IMO are bull****, buy graduate texts to educate yourself.
    if you are looking for the premier exercise physiology texts, IMO, look into some books by mcardle, katch, and katch. i just posted on this awhile back. their exercise and sports nutrition book is top notch. definately part of any good trainer's library. look into or the lippincott website . amazon is high in prices, but if you are an NSCA member you can receive discounts on texts, albeit not much, but it may pay for the shipping,haha.
    best of luck and anything i can do to help just say the word!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hypertrophy and partyboy. That's exactly what I was looking for.. thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Can-Fit Pro is the course that is recognized and looked for by a lot of gyms around toronto area. I've done my certification with them already, as have all the other employees in my gym.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    lots of nice info here. i'm probably going to do something in health and fitness, and probably be involved in stuff too. personal training would be great for me to look into in a few years as well.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    nothing worse than a trainer who needs a trainer

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by craneboy
    nothing worse than a trainer who needs a trainer
    LOL Personally, I'm interested for purely educational purposes. I need to take my knowledge and body to another level. I'm addicted. And, who know what will happen in the future, I may just be interested in educating others.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    yeah im lookinginto being a pt myself i feel i know more on education, diet, drugs, etc. than most dumb pt at my gym best of luck to you bro

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