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Thread: behind the neck?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Medford MA

    behind the neck?

    Ive been tryin to start to do behind the neck militarys a bit more in my workout since all I hear is posative mass building with them. Now i do regular militarys and db press. But Ive been doin it for a lil while now and i cant seem to ge the form perfect. I either tap my head on a rep or 2 or I feel like im reaching back too far. I have trouble tryin to go heavy because I feel Im going to hurt myself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    The biomechanics of behind the neck and military are pretty much the same. Some people believe that doing them behind the neck with provide you with a few more details in your back, but that would be a myth. Behind the neck is only safe to do providing that the persons bone structure and flexibility allow the movement. Military is a much safer bet that will provide you with the same results and decrease the chance of injury.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Medford MA
    Ejuicer, thanks a lot bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Have your training partner assess your posture from the side veiw...If the bar is tapping the back of your head, most likely, your wrist and shoulders are not in allignment.The mistake i find most people making is, trying to duplicate a military press while doing a press-behind.The biomechanics are NOT the same...neither is the muscle-recruitment.The behind the neck press recruits more of the upper back (mid-traps etc)musculature than the press in front.

    Try to press up and back...You won't succeed in pressing back..but by attempting such you will actually be pushing the bar directly opposed to foward as you are currently doing


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