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Thread: drop set or pyramid

  1. #1

    drop set or pyramid

    I am using the work-out mentioned here, and I was thinking about using drop sets. Is this good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Drop -set's are good for geting a couple more reps, good for strength, cutting , and a nice pump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I agree with DevilsDeity...drop sets are awesome for pounding out those last few reps that are just killer, I do drop sets on almost every exercise I do, not every workout mind you, but alot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Here's the way I do my workout, its not the normal way but there are some people that do it this way. This isn't including warmups. I start off with my heaviest set first for at least 8 reps, then drop down like 10lbs for the next set and get like 10 reps, and then drop down another 10lbs. and do at least 11-12 reps and then I usually do a fourth set at the same weight till failure. I used to do pyramids where you start off light and then you end with your heavy set, but I'd be at the gym forever. Another way, that I used to do too that worked good is you do your light set first then you move up to your heaviest weight, then next set drop down to your medium weight and then maybe another set at that weight. But I'm always asking the manager at my gym and other bb's which is better the way I do it with heaviest first or the last way I said, and I always get different answers, so its whatever feels better to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    hey trenton i think you hit the nail on the head there about getting different answers, i think the trick is to take a little bit of everyones info untill you get a good workout that suits you. im going to repeat the line that says it best "what works for someone else might not work for you". Buy the way daveroth good thread.

  6. #6
    i think it depends on whether or not your bulking. I was doing drop sets for i while and then this really big guy told me to stop that and just concentrate on heavy lifts Well ive been doing that for like 3 weeks and the pumps are great But i also think it is good to incorperate them into your routine so that there is some variation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i do the same as you MR. Trenton. if i start off light and work my way up buy the time i get to the heavy weight im kida worn out so i cant get as many reps. So if i start heavy i get more reps with more weight.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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