hi guys, for the past year i have been training max ot style meaning that i am lifting heavy weights for reps from 4-6 reps
i do 12 sets for big muscles and 8 sets for small ones.
I would like to get more defined and dont plan to do the 12-15 reps becose when i did those i lost all my muscles, they just dont work for me.
I am scared that if i start doing what i did last time i will lose all my size.
Last year i used to train with reps between 8-10 reps, and was a lot more defined.
Do you guys think that 4-6 reps is to low.
I really wanna build definition and wanna stay big at the same time.
I train 4 times a week now using max ot, and i will add some cardio.
thanks for your help guys.