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Thread: Cramps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I cannot do more than one set of any type of abs without the next set immediately sending my muscle into the worst cramps ever. I thought it might be lack of water so I fixed that. Is it that they are tired or..... I also get cramps in my chest after a hard chest day. Again water or fatigue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Cramps and muscle spasm's are more prevelant to the legs,- calf-hammies-quads- but also in the abdominal region. Loss of electrolytes (potassium/sodium ect) ,water and dehydration are some causes. Excessive inspiration & expiration can do it too I believe. Lie on your back ,hold your head high and take a deep breath hold for 8-10sec for a few times as this might help. I heard it did but I never tried it because I do not get cramps. As far as the chest cramping I do not know never heard of that before. Are you sure it is not your heart??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Man today is so bad for my cramps I, sought out posts on the board... For a couple of weeks after I'm done exercising my muscles cramp like rhigimotis is setting... Not sure why but I am noticing a few on here also have them and their threads usually spiral off into something concerning valium or another muscle relaxer. Could it be taurine? Maybe Potassium, Sodium... I doubt its water as I'm assuming we all drink a crapload of water. I was sitting on the couch and my back started locking up and at about that time my abs decided it was an oppertune time to do it also, so as I tried to get up my biceps locked closed... not to great. My only counter measure was shots of water mixed with salt for a few minutes... and as off now I think its working.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by Syndicate
    Man today is so bad for my cramps I, sought out posts on the board... For a couple of weeks after I'm done exercising my muscles cramp like rhigimotis is setting... Not sure why but I am noticing a few on here also have them and their threads usually spiral off into something concerning valium or another muscle relaxer. Could it be taurine? Maybe Potassium, Sodium... I doubt its water as I'm assuming we all drink a crapload of water. I was sitting on the couch and my back started locking up and at about that time my abs decided it was an oppertune time to do it also, so as I tried to get up my biceps locked closed... not to great. My only counter measure was shots of water mixed with salt for a few minutes... and as off now I think its working.
    Sh!t man I would go and see a doctor, that is not normal !!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Supplementing with potassium and taurine, along with ample water intake, should solve your problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    chug a V8 vegetable juice drink before your workout, that stuff is loaded with electrolytes

  7. #7
    I`ve got exactly the same problem. I`ve neglected my abs, and lately i started training them... as soon as i do my second set BANG!! an exreme cramp in my upperleft abdominal.. I drink litres of water daily, did the suppliments listed above help?

    Could it be because i do deadlifts before my ab work? I had the same problem when training legs/abdominals, and read somewhere that the cramp could be caused by the leg training, so i changed my routine and now i included my ab training with back.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Potassium is good, but many overlook a calcium/magnesium supplement (come in one tablet form) which also helps in this area.

    I'd stack those 3 with plenty of water daily, and you should be straight.


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