My shoulders and Posterior Deltoids are kinda lagging from the rest of my body. What do you think would be the best way to get them to catch up? Doing more exercises or start working them twice a week? Thanx
My shoulders and Posterior Deltoids are kinda lagging from the rest of my body. What do you think would be the best way to get them to catch up? Doing more exercises or start working them twice a week? Thanx
Last edited by vaeltaire; 12-12-2004 at 01:23 PM.
What does your current delt workout look like?
Upright Rows,Lying Rear Lateral Raise, Seated Rear Lateral Raise,Lateral Raise I try to add in a few new exercises now and then
Originally Posted by vaeltaire
Number of sets? I would definitely add some presses in there.
3 sets each for a total of 12 sets, 10 reps each set. you think it would be better to work them twice a week or jus once and add in more exercises? oh, and I do also do shoulders presses.
The way to size is more weight! Go as heavy as you can with military presses(4-6 reps) and that in itself should yield some nice results.
In my opinion, you definitely do not need to do more than 12 sets a week (probably less). I would concentrate on presses, side laterals and wide grip upright rows. I do 9 sets for delts and find that is more than enough with the work they get in other compound movements (i.e. benches, rows, etc.).
Well let me ask you this. Do you think it would be best to do lets say chest,shoulders together and back, Posterior Deltoids together? What do suggest?
Work your rear delts with back or traps either will do. Other than rear delt laterals perform bent-over rows utilizing a much wider grip and squeeze/hold. Have your elbows slightly flared out position. This is a great rear delt movement.
but, Do you think it would be better to work shoulders and Posterior Delts twice a week or just once a week?
That's hard to say as what works for one person may not for another. Only you can find the answer but you could start off by feel. What I mean by that is if your somewhat sore then do not do them twice. Another option some may disagree with is you may do a staggered sets. For example say you work your shoulders& rear delts on Monday on Thursday you are working chest & tri's. In between sets somewhere go over and do some rear delt movement or shoulder press. You can do 2-5 sets but the key is not too much overload keep it simple & light. Choose one type of exercise only. Once or twice is highly individualized..
Last edited by bluethunder; 12-12-2004 at 05:06 PM. Reason: spelling
i personally like less volume and more frequency! try it out! also the only time i've ever felt like i've worked my delts the next day is when i but chest with em! and im not one of those guys that just bull**** their way through a workout i go extremely hard and still the only time i seem to hit em hard is with chest and shoulders together! also that way you dont overtrain them with chest later in the week of or before shoulder day! my shoudlers actually really satrted growing pretty good when i started doing this!Originally Posted by vaeltaire
i workout every bodypart once a week for my shoulders i do dumbell military press, upright rows, lateral raises, front raises i also workout my traps the same day and do dumbell shrugs and then barbell shrugs
I just watched the Olympia from Oct 31st in HD super show but what I noticed during some backstage interviews I could see Gunter Schlierkamp who placed 6th overall performing side laterals with looked like 20 or maybe 25lb db's. I am sure he was going for the pump.
I would recommend doing two pressing movements. One seated and one standing. Examples: Seated Military Barbell Press, then Standing D-bell Presses. Include Lateral Raises. On shoulder day, do bent over lateral raises to target the posterior delt. The posterior delts take a beating on back day also if you are doing rows, barbell, one arm, seated, ect. So you actually hit them twice a week already. That should be sufficeint.Originally Posted by vaeltaire
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