Day 1: Chest, legs, abs
Day 2: Biceps, triceps, forearms
Day 3: Back, shoulders
Is this a bad combination? Some people have said that doing bi's and tri's the same day isn't a good idea. I'm on a cycle of enanthate right now, and I'm really not seeing the gains I want, and I have a feeling that it's due to my training improperly. I'll workout usually 5 days a week.
Also, I've gone to doing 4 sets of 10 on each exercise. I work each exercise until failure. Some have said 10 reps is good, some have said I should do heavier with 6 reps. Thing is, all last year I was doing 6 reps, and I feel like I'm getting a much better workout doing 10 reps now.
If anyone has any suggestions to improve my workout I'd appreciate it, I wanna get my money's worth of juice.
Oh, I'm 21 years old, 165 pounds, low body fat, been lifting for about 2 years, and my main goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible.