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Thread: workout idea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    workout idea

    i just thought of this while working out one day and wondered if it could help achieve some good hypertrophy

    essentially the idea works very similar to a superset... except its the same exercize..

    essentially its, do a set of something that requires a lot of power and strength where you can do 5 reps.... stop, wait 30 seconds and then do a set with a weight you could do for 10 reps (10 reps if you were fresh) and try to get 10 reps....

    after that set, wait 2-3minutes and then do it again

    i guess you could play around with the amount of time you wait, # reps and even # of sets... but the premise is heavy set, short rest, then meadium/light set, then long rest and start over

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    i just thought of this while working out one day and wondered if it could help achieve some good hypertrophy

    essentially the idea works very similar to a superset... except its the same exercize..

    essentially its, do a set of something that requires a lot of power and strength where you can do 5 reps.... stop, wait 30 seconds and then do a set with a weight you could do for 10 reps (10 reps if you were fresh) and try to get 10 reps....

    after that set, wait 2-3minutes and then do it again

    i guess you could play around with the amount of time you wait, # reps and even # of sets... but the premise is heavy set, short rest, then meadium/light set, then long rest and start over
    Its essentially a drop set with more time to rest. Im sure in the beginning, like other exercises that shock your muscles, it would work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    oh i had no idea that was a drop set. thanks for informing me

  4. #4
    Sounds pretty close to what I do. 8 reps, 20 seconds same weight 2, strip some weight and 30 seconds later go till I cannot move, Then i'm finished with that particular muscle for the day, next bodypart.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    rest-pause and a drop set

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    rest-pause and a drop set
    Yeah just got down doing a set right now, Sh*t they get you tired.

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