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Thread: question about soreness??????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    question about soreness??????

    If u have been working out hardcore for either one year or ten. Does everybody still get sore the next day after lifting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Im sore after every workout, but the degree of soreness varies. Chest,back,shoulders,traps,calves,abs--moderate amount, Arms-low amount, Legs-high amount
    Also, when i change up my workouts, soreness is always a little higher.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by 6_pak
    Im sore after every workout, but the degree of soreness varies. Chest,back,shoulders,traps,calves,abs--moderate amount, Arms-low amount, Legs-high amount
    Also, when i change up my workouts, soreness is always a little higher.
    Yep me too, I always feel every workout the next day, not necesarily sore but tight as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yeah i was just curious, cause i dont think i have been pushin it to my max as of late. I want to be at the point that i cant walk out the gym on leg day maybe have to be carried out ,, lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by GQplaya
    yeah i was just curious, cause i dont think i have been pushin it to my max as of late. I want to be at the point that i cant walk out the gym on leg day maybe have to be carried out ,, lol.
    After I tried SwoleCats leg workout last Friday that happened to me, my legs were spasming so bad I couldnt walk down stares normally. You have to treat every workout like it your last, if you just punce around and dont feel the pumps and pain then you aint doing sh!t, you might as well go home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    my chest is killing me right now and i worked out chest 2days ago LOL

  7. #7
    Yeah everyone gets sore but if you don't its not a big deal and it doesn't mean you didn't train well. It does happen. I don't stay sore as long while ON though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    I have always told myself that if i dont get sore i wont grow. and if i am not going to the gym to grow it is time to stop going.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Quote Originally Posted by GQplaya
    If u have been working out hardcore for either one year or ten. Does everybody still get sore the next day after lifting?
    Yes, you should. It is called progressive overload.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I would get to a point to where I wouldn't get sore anymore, and wondered the same thing. But someone suggested trying to mix your routine up a bit, try a different angle, add another set, or increase weight, do an exercise you haven't done in a while, add a few reps to your routine, etc. Low and behold I got a bit sore the next day. But don't sweat it, your muscles are always adapting and I do get to the point to where I wouldn't be as sore the next day, just a little tight.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by GQplaya
    If u have been working out hardcore for either one year or ten. Does everybody still get sore the next day after lifting?
    I find it just depends on my diet etc. Soreness is not a factor of growth.. until I added deadlifts to my back routine my back never ever got sore. My chest is always sore along with tri's. But never bi's and legs for me recover quickly too. haha I have been of for 2 months now with an upper body injury so I can imagine how sore I am going to be when I return

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    I find it just depends on my diet etc. Soreness is not a factor of growth.. until I added deadlifts to my back routine my back never ever got sore. My chest is always sore along with tri's. But never bi's and legs for me recover quickly too. haha I have been of for 2 months now with an upper body injury so I can imagine how sore I am going to be when I return
    This information is absolutely correct. Soreness is not necessarily a factor of growth, and recovery times differ from person to person especially while cycling. It is always a good idea to change up your routines periodically, but lack of soreness in the days following a particular workout isn't always an indication of poor performance or non-productivity in the mucsle group.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    This information is absolutely correct. Soreness is not necessarily a factor of growth, and recovery times differ from person to person especially while cycling. It is always a good idea to change up your routines periodically, but lack of soreness in the days following a particular workout isn't always an indication of poor performance or non-productivity in the mucsle group.
    I agree 100%... well maybe like 99.95% lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    I agree 100%... well maybe like 99.95% lol

    Oh come on Bro, that is total bullsh*t!! I'm good for at least 99.975%

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    Oh come on Bro, that is total bullsh*t!! I'm good for at least 99.975%
    Hahah sorry your a crack whore still lmao

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    cAnAdA, EH
    Needmore and Justincredible hit the nail on the head. Keep switchin it up to keep your body guessing though. Like they say too much of a good thing can be bad. Soreness is deffinately NOT a way to measure success in the gym. Only the scales, the mirror and your lifts are the ways to measure your success. Keep on keepin on!!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by GQplaya
    If u have been working out hardcore for either one year or ten. Does everybody still get sore the next day after lifting?
    when you stop getting sore, you should change workouts or quit, unless training for a powerlifting meet, then your joints stay sore

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lack of soreness is not nescessarily indicative that your workout was innefective. As years go by it will deminish and for MYSELF I add more volume then I get OMS & DOMS.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i like to feel the soreness

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