Hey guys
I have always gotten great advice from you guys and this time I really need your help.
Over the course of the last three to four months I have gone through a lot , dont worry I will make it short . Lost my job in Oct and then got into horrible accident right after, left me in comma for 2 days. Prior to this incident I had been working out for 1 1/2 years and doing really well.Having my ligaments and muscles torn in my arms and leg made it virtually impossible to work out, to make matters worse I stopped eating properly due to the fact that I had no time , I was working 2 jobs and didnt have any time to make my own meals so fast food was the only solution . I have since gained a lot of weight (FAT) and lost a lot of muscle leaving me very depressed
I now have a stable job again and feeling a heck a lot better so I wanna start fresh again so I cleaned up my diet. The help that Im asking for is workout? The main thing for me is loosing the excess lbs that I gained cause I still can't lift anything too heavy , so what would you recomend as far as cardio??? I use the treadmill but what else can I do without straining myself?
thanx guys