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Thread: workout plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida

    workout plan

    I have been using the following plan. i am trying to see if it is ok if increased what i did for chest and if u have any overall suggestionsay 1- Chest and biceps
    -Warm up- 1 set flat bench
    -Flat bench- 3 sets reps 8-6-4
    -Incline dumbbell press- 3 sets reps 8-6-4 or 10-8-6
    -Incline dumbbell flies- 2 sets reps varied (no less than 6)
    -Decline dumbbell flies- 2 sets reps same
    -Warm up- 1-set straight barbell curls
    -Straight barbell curls- 3 sets reps 8-6-4 or 8-6-6 (heavy weight and cheating is allowed)
    -Standing dumbbell hammer curls- 3 sets reps 10-8-6 (minor cheating allowed)
    -Cable curls or preacher curls (based on preference)- 3 sets (no less than 8 reps)
    -Optional (once a month at most)- 1-2 sets or 21’s with ez-curl bar

    Day 2- Legs (quads, hamstring, glutes, calves)
    -Warm up- 2 sets light free weight squats (first with no weight)
    -Free weight squats- 4 sets reps 10-8-6-4
    -Leg press- 3 sets reps 10-8-6 or 8-6-4
    -Hamstring curls- 2 sets reps 10-8
    -Leg extensions- 2 sets reps 10-8
    -Lunges- 2-3 sets (use dumbbells heavy concentrate on good slow form keep back straight each set should be about 20 yards)

    Day 3- OFF

    Day 4- Back
    -Pull-ups- 4 sets reps 10-8-6-4 (slow up and down, use weight if possible)
    -Lat pull down- 2 sets reps 10-8 or 8-6
    -Iso lateral rows- 3 sets reps 10-8-6 (one arm at a time, chest should not leave the pad)
    -Cable rows- 3 sets reps 10-8-6 (get a good stretch and concentrate on using middle back)

    Day 5- Shoulders and triceps
    -Warm up- 1 set of barbell military press
    -Barbell military press- 3 sets reps 10-8-6
    -Dumbbell shoulder press- 3 sets reps 10-8-6
    -Dumbbell front raises- 2 sets reps varied
    -Dumbbell lateral raises- 2-3 sets reps varied
    -Warm up- 1 set skull crushers
    -Skull crushers (I Prefer with small straight bar but can be done with ez-curl)- 3 sets reps 8-6-6 or 10-8-6
    -Cable push downs ( I like either v-grip)- 3 sets reps 10-8-6 or 10-8-8
    -Reverse cable push downs (palms up with the ez-curl attachment)- 3 sets reps 10-8-6
    -OPTIONAL- Rope pull downs 2 sets

    Day 6- OFF

    You can do abs every other day if you want ( I do). This workout is based on high intensity. All out on every set. Rest between sets should be medium. Workouts should be no more than 50 minutes in length (excluding abs). Get nuts….

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    central ny(for school) philly (for home)
    B-A-M-F is my roomy, this is a preliminary workout plan that his buddy made for us, we have been training for about 2 years, this was a suggested workout, we just started it this week.

    i agree with you about the warmups, we do more, but this is just what the guy wrote. we do calves too, but the guy didn't put it in their either.

    So more sets? that is what i thought also when i saw it. we did the chest and bis yesterday and i didn't really feel my chest that much.

    More suggestions would be appreciated.

    and if anyone else wants to post their workout routine on here for us to look at, that would be great. i am gonna go research some now. I LOVE THAT SEARCH BUTTON!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Look at big kev's routine. I started today on the chest and it tore me up. Good Luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    central ny(for school) philly (for home)
    i just saw it, i printed it out, and i think i am gonna try it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Houston TX
    I know I'm a girl but -

    I would suggest adding either cable flies, dips, or pec dec to chest day. Also, you may want to add T-bar rows or bent over rows to back day.

    Calves and traps are missing.... and no rear delts.

    I personally do tri's and chest on the same day. Then I work traps and shoulders together.

    BigKev's routine should help give you ideas about different exercises to intergrate into your routine.

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    here ya go bro.

    Big kevs routine

    Day 1-chest
    Flat barbell bench press-4 sets, 2-5-8-10 reps
    Incline dumbbell press-4 sets, 6-8-12-12 reps
    Pec deck-3 sets, 10-16 reps
    Incline machine press-3 sets, 8-12 reps
    Cable crossovers-3 sets, 12-20 reps

    Day 2-back

    Bent barbell rows-4 sets, 6-8-10-12 reps
    Hammer strength pulldowns-4 sets, 8-10-12-12 reps
    Low pulley rows-4 sets, 10-12-12-15 reps
    Pulldowns with narrow v-bar-3 sets, 10-10-12 reps

    Day 3-shoulders

    Barbell shoulder press-4 sets, 4-6-8-10 reps
    Side laterals-4 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps
    Rear delt machine-4 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps
    Shrugs- 4 sets, 12-20, reps
    Side lateral machine-3 sets, 12-15-20 reps

    Day 4-arms(superset tris and bis)

    Straight barbell curl-4 sets, 4-6-8-10 reps
    Scull crushers-4 sets, 4-6-8-10 reps
    Dumbellcurls-3 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps
    Cable pressdowns-3 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps

    Do a set of bis then a set of tris,etc…

    Day 5-legs

    Barbell squat- 5 sets, 2-4-6-8-10 reps
    Leg extentions-4 sets, 8-10-12-12 reps
    Hack squats-4 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps
    Stiffleg deadlifts-4 sets, 8-10-10-12 reps
    Lying leg curls- 4 sets 10-10-12-12 reps
    Seated raises-4 sets, 6-8-10-12 reps
    Standing raises-8-10-12-15 reps

    All sets are to ABSOLUTE MUSCLE FAILURE!!!
    Abs should be done twice a week.
    Eat 3000-4000 calories a day

    Hope this helps. I havnt changed my routine in 10 years and it continues to work, I just increase the weight I use.

    BIG KEV.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    just printed off that workout...starting it on monday
    i have a question come no decline for chest? thats my fav excersize....if i were going to add it, what would you suggest doing?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    imo, your lower chest gets plenty of work from flat bench press. no need to prioritize lower chest. if anything needs to be emphasized, its upper pec developement. so, i dont recommend decline presses at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Big kev i hate to question a man of your size lol. I just have a few questions what is pec dec ? is that the same as a wide chest i dont do decline bench either i do a hammer strentgh wide chest in my gym i love it i always felt that makes up for decline. Also you dont do flys ?For back no T machine ? Shoulders no upright rows? And is it neccesary to do a side lateral machne and side lateral with dumbells? Hey again judginf from your pic and you a moderator i have no buisness questiong your routine its just i do some of the excises mentioned so im wondering maybe i dont need to do them ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    one more question
    for chest....we dont have an incline machine, what would you substitute it with?
    oh an what are hammer strength pulldowns?
    sorry to be a pain in the ass, but i love lifting, and love getting bigger, and i look up to everyone on this board, especially you, big kev
    can someone hand me a tissue? i think i have some brown stuff on my nose
    Last edited by Mounts; 03-28-2002 at 09:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Adjust a seat in the gym i fogorthow many degress i jsut compare it to the machines in my gym so i dont know you cna measure it up but i guess maybe 45 degrees either do yor dumbbells on them or roll it under the smith machine and use the barbell. Hope that helps incline are very important and shuld not be excluded from a workout. But do a heck on how the seat should be angled.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    alright, i jst started kev's workout today, and did god, it kicked my ass. i usually use 70's on incline for 3 sets of 12, after i was done with the flat bench i went to incline and grabbed the 70's, and i could barely even get 6 for the first the end i was using 55's and my arms were shaking so bad...i've never been that fatigued just after flat bench

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Yep, I did chest, the next day I was so sore and went through back, the next day I did shoulders and my chest was still a little sore and then my back was sore the next two days of workouts.

    I love it, if it is sore then I know I tore it down and its gonna grow.

    I am finding though that it takes two complete days to get over being sore in a specific body part. Hopefully that will come down to one day after a few cycles through the workout.

    Last edited by scottp999; 04-01-2002 at 11:52 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas

    this is too good to miss

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    hey BigKev or anyone whos doing his long are you usually at the gym each day when using this workout?? thankx

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Originally posted by Diesel
    My initial thought is that there isn't enough sets. Also, only one warm up set for each muscle group?
    Where are calves?
    How long have you been training?
    He is doing 12 sets of chest and 9 sets on dont think there is enough sets there? Everyone else seems to say no more than 6 sets on bi's and 6 on tri's and like 9-12 on chest..i personally do 12 on chest 12 on bi's and 6-9 on tri's

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