what grip do yall use on uprights? like wide or narrow? also what kinda grip do yall use on bent over rows? overhand or underhand
what grip do yall use on uprights? like wide or narrow? also what kinda grip do yall use on bent over rows? overhand or underhand
I like underhand on bent over rows. Narrow on upright.
Narrow Uprights involve more traps, wide for delts. I prefer overhand for bent rows, just way more comfortable for me and I can handle more weight.
For bent over rows I usually use overhand grip... But sometimes I'll switch to underhand grip for a couple of weeks. I'd be interested to know what the difference makes the different grips. Like do you target a back part more using either of the grips?
thats what i was wondering to rex. i think underhand bent rows hits your bi's to much. what do yall think? i have only used under hand like once but ill prolly give it another shot
I did my back today and used the underhand grip. Felt my range of motion was more limited than with overhand grip. The squeeze was not as good but I felt it worked my back a bit different. I put 10lbs less on the bar too when going underhand.
Overhand for both.....
Overhand for rows, medium grip for upright, a bit narrower than shoulder width.
Mostly overhand close grip for uprights and overhand shoulder width for rows. However, when I go heavier I have to use underhand as my tendonitis realy acts up. Overhand wide(more then shoulder) bent rows to hit the rear delts much more effectively bringing your elbows back.
What kind of width do you use on your grip when you go underhand on the bent over rows?
Originally Posted by nj123
bent over you can do either way. IMO i prefer overhand
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