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Thread: When is the weight too much too soon?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    When is the weight too much too soon?

    I have seen this referenced several times here at AR. So I have a question for the experienced.

    When running your first cycle, when do you put the brakes on for too much weight too soon to prevent injury?

    I know this question is loaded with abundant variables such as age, current connective tissue health, lifting technique etc...

    But even still, I would like to here some personal experiences and weight increase amounts that were attained without injury and considered safe. If nothing else to give myself a loose guide on what to expect and where to think about placing my stop for injury prevention.

    I dont want to stop when it hurts. I feel that is too late...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I cannot say from experience as I only have one good cycle last summer. But yes, many injuries do occur because of rapid strength increases, muscle fullness and tendon/connective tissue lacking because of minimal time. You have to use your head lifting and that my friend is either on aas or not. Your body does the talking ,you need to listen. If you do not want to stop when it is hurting(sharp hard pain) then you are only asking for long term trouble. It is not a jack rabbit race to the finish line or else you will not finish.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    I cannot say from experience as I only have one good cycle last summer. But yes, many injuries do occur because of rapid strength increases, muscle fullness and tendon/connective tissue lacking because of minimal time. You have to use your head lifting and that my friend is either on aas or not. Your body does the talking ,you need to listen. If you do not want to stop when it is hurting(sharp hard pain) then you are only asking for long term trouble. It is not a jack rabbit race to the finish line or else you will not finish.
    Thanks for your input BT. That is my point, that I do not want to feel pain, as then I've gone too far. I'm looking at a stop point reference if in fact it can be given.

    I thought if a few chime in with personal increases that went smooth, or on the other end, too much. I can go into this knowing where I may encounter problems.

    Maybe there are just too many variables here to get some sort of guidline.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    I did some 1-tu ( a prohorme) that had incredible strength gains. I went up 90 pounds on incline bench in 5.5 weeks .... wayyyy to fast. because of the extra water retention, my tendons did not get proper nutrients and became inflammed. I have just started working out again after 4 months of physio and rest! The worst part is that I never felt anything because of the increased water, after I was done the cycle I felt it bad but kept pushing.. it was stupid.. basically if its more then an ache stop

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    I did some 1-tu ( a prohorme) that had incredible strength gains. I went up 90 pounds on incline bench in 5.5 weeks .... wayyyy to fast. because of the extra water retention, my tendons did not get proper nutrients and became inflammed. I have just started working out again after 4 months of physio and rest! The worst part is that I never felt anything because of the increased water, after I was done the cycle I felt it bad but kept pushing.. it was stupid.. basically if its more then an ache stop
    Appreciate the info. So while the water keeps your joints lubed for heavier weight. You are saying it actually masked the fact that you were doing damage.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    if your benching 315 now. dont be stupid and try 350 within 2 weeks. gradually move up in small increments and you should be fine, ie 5-10lbs

    because of gear you will be able to do more weight (obvious), IMO 1st couple of weeks do few more reps then move up in weight

    goodluck with your cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by 511220
    Appreciate the info. So while the water keeps your joints lubed for heavier weight. You are saying it actually masked the fact that you were doing damage.


    Exactly bro..also A specialist told me that a lot of people don't realize that because of the access water in the joints it restrictcs blood flow in those areas therefore resulting in the tendons not getting proper nutrients! Makes sense

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