Im very upset at the moment. My college's lifting program blows ass. Im 100% sure that i could put together more effiecient lifting programs then they do. Bottom line here are a few things that make it retarded. Feel free to post what you guys think. Keep in mind this is a top 25 division 1 football team.
1. Training is always high reps. Targeting slow twitch muscles obviously becuase fast twitch muscles are fatigued after 10 seconds or about 6-8 reps max. The strength coach tried to tell me that fast twitch muscles were targeted after 12-15 REPS!!!!! I was Amazed at his lack of knowledge!
2. Everything is taken till failure! EVERYTHING! Every set of bench, every set of leg press everything! Ive always taken the last set to failure only on major lifts like this, but not every set!
3. No rest inbetween exercise and sets. I mean no rest! How are you supposed to get your creatine levels back up so you can get a glycogen flow to your fast twitch muscles!? You cant! They need at least 2-3 min rest to be ready for another set. COmplete BS
4. Workout never changes. If it does its about the same every 2-3 weeks or so. I mean come on who wouldnt get bored out of your mind?
5. No olympic lifts. Come on now its a top 25 division 1 program and they dont do olympic lifts?! What is wrong with that picture . When the strength coach was asked why there is no olympic lifts, he gave the reply "I dont do them to prevent injury." How would not doing them prevent injury? I can see if someone puts on 225lbs when they can only power clean 155 with good form get injured, but if you're being supervised and have on weight you can handle, olympic lifts should only prevent injury.
6. Leg press = favorite workout. BLAH! We dont play football sitting down, how is leg press supposed to be good? He tried to say taht leg press makes you faster... But everyset is taken until failure which almost always consists of 20 or more reps. Obviously targeting the slow twitch muscles. Keep in mind no rest between sets, they just take off 2 45 plates and make you go again right away with no rest!
7. Constant yelling from the coaches. Yes i know they should keep it under control and keep everyone focused, but vulgar quotes about someones mom becuase they cant get a 26th rep? How are you supposed to look forward to lifting?
8. Stretching or dynamic flexing before workout? Oh dont i wish they did that. My highschool team even always did that. *division 1 state champs 9 years out of 14*. Why woudl you attempt to lift if you didnt stretch out and warm up completely?
9. Punishment... Someone did dips wrong (oH god what an important exercise) The whole group has to go outside in the snow and push the sled and do pushups until they die. Great way to OVERTRAIN your athletes. Hmm overtraining leads to what... Injury, depression, loss of weight. THe list goes on and on.
10. No supplments at all. The team wont even let you take your own protein! Let alone a proper post workout shake ilke 2 scoops of whey, about 80grams of dex and 1 teaspoon of creatine like ive been taking. Although zma, hmb, are obviously LEGAL supplements to take in the ncaa, the team will not allow them. At least there is no way to check but still that is retarded.
11. Machine squats. Team always does these. WHY? All i have read about them have led to bad news. Greatly limiting your natural range of motion and putting bad stress on your knees. Also doesnt target the hamstrings at all which are obviously the most important muscle (next to lower back) for being fast and getting faster.
Thats all i can think of at the moment. You guys know there is plently more Rants from me.