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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east

    first post

    Hay, First post, been on this site for a long time thought id register.

    As bodybuilders we all would like more muscle but what’s the best way to go about it.
    20 reps 5 reps 8 to10 reps 6 sets per body part, 20 sets per body part, you must use this training method, that training method, i could go on all day, you will hear something different at every gym you visit. So what’s the answer, in my opinion there is no perfect routine, schedule, rep rang, the main thing people forget is what you are actually doing in the gym when you train your muscles. You are using and recruiting muscle fibbers every time you lift a weight. Your bodies response to that is to protect its self i.e. its going to grow back bigger and stronger in preparation for when it happens again. So knowing this why is it that some people find it hard to keep gaining in the gym. Its all about trying to beat or trick the most complex and clever organism on the earth your body itself. The problem is its to clever, when you stress your body though weight training it wants to protect and heal its self as quickly as possible so it adapts. In doing this next time you train a certain body part it makes it harder to get the same amount of muscle growth you perversely did over a long period because its been there before. Let me try to break it down a bit more. four instants 8-10 will be ok but for how long before you adapt, ten weeks eight weeks id say shorter than that. So the word here is that your body adapts, adapts and adapts again to every thing you do its nature your body must do it you must try to stop it. Cycling you training is one way to help combat this. yust my op, Spg uk
    Last edited by S.P.G; 03-10-2005 at 10:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by S.P.G
    Your bodies response to that is to protect its self i.e. its going to grow back bigger and stronger in preparation for when it happens again.
    The problem is its to clever, when you stress your body though weight training it wants to protect and heal its self as quickly as possible so it adapts.

    i disagree.

    your body isn't 'protecting' itself. when you lift your are tearing and stretching your muscles and muscle-fibers. with proper nutrition and pwo shakes these nutrients flood the broken muslce in your body repairs these muscles.

    your body 'protects' itself when you get an injection/vaccination and builds up anti-bodies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Hay jantzen, ok I may of used the wrong word their, but your body dose grow back bigger and stronger in response to the stimulant you put it through, it thinks it’s under attack when you lift weight so it prepares its self for when it happens again, i.e. it grows back bigger and stronger. When you train your body also is under a lot of stress it releases its natural anaesthetic, this is why you never feel that cut you got from the pushdown machine until you get home is this protections I’m not sure thanks for your input.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by S.P.G
    Hay jantzen, ok I may of used the wrong word their, but your body dose grow back bigger and stronger in response to the stimulant you put it through, it thinks it’s under attack when you lift weight so it prepares its self for when it happens again, i.e. it grows back bigger and stronger. When you train your body also is under a lot of stress it releases its natural anaesthetic, this is why you never feel that cut you got from the pushdown machine until you get home is this protections I’m not sure thanks for your input.

    i do believe you understand what is going on but your just using wrong (usa, english) words

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