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Thread: Critque my workout program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Critque my workout program

    Hey this is my new program just wanted to get some opinions, i know every body is different and different routines work for diff people but tell me what you think, I'm almost 23 yrs old...about 6'1, 190lbs, tryiing to put on some more weight and mass..I'm max benching about 265 right now...thanks

    Shoulder/Abs, includes traps

    and then just continue with the pattern, 2 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off.... I am going to use Swoles method by torching my tris and Bis... I will be also swimming twice a week, mainly to rehab my Knee and get some cardio going (Torn acl)

    All the advice is appreciated, Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    usa... and proud
    if you tore your acl talk to a doc. before you start lifting legs... wouldnt be too smart to pop that sh*t out again doing some hack squats....

    workout splits seem very relative to teh person... this looks good as a base.. .the only thing i would say is that you are doing 3 upper body days to one leg day... i would make the ratio 5-2 somehow... so like throw in an extra leg day every two weeks or something... you dont wanna work your upper body 3 times more often than your legs... jmo...

    KEEP YOUR DIET IN ORDER AS WELL... that is the most important thing...

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hey thanks a lot, i forgot to mention i already had surgery on my knee to repair my ACL, about a year ago actually, went to rehab, got discharged, but its never been 100% and has remained weak as I had a lot of muscle I started rehab again through physical therapy which is mainly stength training excerices and i do my own leg workout at the gym with weights so i am actually doing legs twice a week....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all the help is needed.....please help and reply...thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DaGCHILD
    Hey this is my new program just wanted to get some opinions, i know every body is different and different routines work for diff people but tell me what you think, I'm almost 23 yrs old...about 6'1, 190lbs, tryiing to put on some more weight and mass..I'm max benching about 265 right now...thanks

    Shoulder/Abs, includes traps

    and then just continue with the pattern, 2 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off.... I am going to use Swoles method by torching my tris and Bis... I will be also swimming twice a week, mainly to rehab my Knee and get some cardio going (Torn acl)

    All the advice is appreciated, Thanks!
    Looks good. Since you are going for mass up the weight and lower the reps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    if you tore your acl talk to a doc. before you start lifting legs... wouldnt be too smart to pop that sh*t out again doing some hack squats....

    workout splits seem very relative to teh person... this looks good as a base.. .the only thing i would say is that you are doing 3 upper body days to one leg day... i would make the ratio 5-2 somehow... so like throw in an extra leg day every two weeks or something... you dont wanna work your upper body 3 times more often than your legs... jmo...

    KEEP YOUR DIET IN ORDER AS WELL... that is the most important thing...

    good luck

    nicely put eat rite

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