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  1. #1
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    What kind of form do you use???

    I read Arnold's encyclopedia of bodybuilding and he says to use strict form to directly stress the intended muslce. Then I watch Pumping Iron and he and all his buddies are throwing the weights around. I've also read alot about Skip La Cour and his techniques. He says to use strict form too. Most trainers do. I just watch a preview of his new workout DVD and he's throwing the weights around with really loose form. WTF??

    My form is real strict compared to these guys. Maybe I should loosen it up a bit and start upping my weights.

    What about you?

  2. #2
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    There's a time for both.......all of my routines are done with strickt form. I feel as every muscle fiber is utilized and each rep is doing what I want it to do. But now and then I relax the form and pile on the plates and just move the weight best I can....not so bad I'll injure myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Noo Yawk
    Well I use a slow eccentric(lowering the weight) and an explosive concentric(lifting the weight) form. In the book "Designing A Resistance Training Program" by Steven J Fleck, and Kraemer it says that is the best type of form.

  4. #4
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    Quote Originally Posted by JdJuicer
    I read Arnold's encyclopedia of bodybuilding and he says to use strict form to directly stress the intended muslce. Then I watch Pumping Iron and he and all his buddies are throwing the weights around. I've also read alot about Skip La Cour and his techniques. He says to use strict form too. Most trainers do. I just watch a preview of his new workout DVD and he's throwing the weights around with really loose form. WTF??

    My form is real strict compared to these guys. Maybe I should loosen it up a bit and start upping my weights.

    What about you?
    Loosen up on form, no way the best injury prevention methods you can use in the gym is good form, you get injured and you cold be out for months, but in saying that some pros, hate top form all the time because its constant hard work,

  5. #5
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Many top pro's do train a bit faster pace thus may look like form is off. Shawn Ray is a good example. Many incorporate cheating pricibles just like Arnold did. The difference is they know their bodies much more than you or I do. When making a dvd time is money and most of the time they will mention form but they are required to get so much into the 60 minutes.

  6. #6
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2004
    I try to use strict and loose form at different times. When I want to increase the weight i am lifting I loosen up for few weeks and then go back to strict and it tends to allow me to use the strict form with more weight onc ei put on some more mass in a certain area. I really dont pay attention all that much to others. You have to learn your body and what works for you. I beleive every 2-3 weeks weight amount or reps should increase. If it doesnt i take a look at what i could be doing wrong and make changes. I document everything i do on a weekly basis and try to improve week after week. I dont go by the mirror all that much.

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