for max-ot cardio are you suppose to do intervals for the 16 minutes or just really intense solid cadio for 16 min??? if it is interval cadio, what should the intervals look like?
for max-ot cardio are you suppose to do intervals for the 16 minutes or just really intense solid cadio for 16 min??? if it is interval cadio, what should the intervals look like?
Are you performing this cardio for fat loss purposes?
If so, low intensity is best....
Keep your heart rate between 65-70%MHR..
Max Heart Rate = (220 - Your Age) * .65 (or .70)
Keep this up for 45-60 mins...
IMO, AM fasted cardio is your best choice.... then wait 45mins before ingesting your pro/carb meal, or 15-20mins before ingesting your pro/fat meal... (whichever one is your choice)....
Read this:
Last edited by Blown_SC; 03-21-2005 at 08:42 PM.
I believe it is for 16 minutes at a very high intensity level >80%mhr. Listen to BlownSC reply. Max-ot is good for cardiovascular health and for increasing VO2 max.
With max-0t cardio you go for 16 mintues as hard as u can. U try to increase your numbers each session meaning burning more cals. going a farther distance and ect. (pretty much trying to increase whatever the machine you are useing displays)so each session u should improve. personally for me i like high intensity cardio better for burning fat it is what works best for me.
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