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Thread: New Here

  1. #1

    New Here

    Hey... I am new here. I am 18 years old and i work out five days a week usually for an hour to 1.5 hours. I dont really have a workout but i have seen some gains for doing nothing. I know i can see a lot more by following a workout and using protein. I dont want to gain weight as much as i want to get defined. Does anyone have a good workout off the top of their head that would fit into my schedule. 5 day workout (or 4) that takes about an hour to an hour and a half. I know diet and excercise is going to play a big role but i also want to add some definition. Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman
    Hey... I am new here. I am 18 years old and i work out five days a week usually for an hour to 1.5 hours. I dont really have a workout but i have seen some gains for doing nothing. I know i can see a lot more by following a workout and using protein. I dont want to gain weight as much as i want to get defined. Does anyone have a good workout off the top of their head that would fit into my schedule. 5 day workout (or 4) that takes about an hour to an hour and a half. I know diet and excercise is going to play a big role but i also want to add some definition. Thanks for your time.
    just get a good workout routine w/ a nice breaks between i like 2 on 1 off 2 on 1 off like
    this gives my shoulders a break from chest and tri days and its a nice 6 day cycle that works best for leaning out IMO but for mass i wouldnt lift more than 3 days a week.
    Diet is 80% of it if you want definition so start researching/reading

  3. #3
    Monday: Chest/Triceps

    Tuesday: Legs

    Wednesday: Back/bicep

    Thursday: Shoulders

    Friday: Chest/Bicep

    IS that alright layout. If i need to critique the order or what-not just let me know. I know a lot of you do your once a week but i feel i can do twice a week on somethings. If there is a order though that u reccomend then let me know. thanks

  4. #4
    this is what i just came up with... I need some suggestions on what to delete from my workout and what to add.. please someone help???

    Monday: Chest/Triceps

    Workout ------ Sets Reps

    Regular Bench------ 6 x 10-8-6-4-2-burnout
    Incline Bench------ 3 x 8
    Decline Bench------ 3 x 8
    Incline Flies ------ 2 x 8
    Pushdowns------ 3 x 10
    Skull Crushers------ 3 x 8
    Dips ------ 3 x 15-15-burnout

    Tuesday: Legs

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Squats ------ 5 x 6
    Leg Curls ------ 3 x 8
    Leg Extensions ------ 3 x 8
    Weighted Calf Raises ------ 3 x 15

    Wednesday: Back/bicep

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Back Lat Pull downs------ 2 x 8
    Front Lat Pull downs------ 2 x 8
    Seated Row------ 3 x 8
    Deadlifts ------ 4 x 8
    Straight Bar Curls ------ 3 x 10
    Seated Dumbbell Curl------ 3 x 10
    Preacher Curl------ 3 x 8
    Machine Curls ------ 2 x 10-Burnout

    Thursday: Shoulders

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Military Press------ 4 x 8
    Dumbbell Press------ 3 x 8
    Front Raises------ 2 x 10
    Shrugs ------ 3 x 10

    Friday: Chest/Bicep/Triceps

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Regular Bench ------ 9 x 3
    Incline with Dumbbells------ 2 x 8
    Decline with Dumbbells------ 2 x 8
    E-Z Bar Curls ------ 3 x 10
    Seated Dumbbell Curls------ 3 x 10
    Close Grip Bench ------ 2 x 10
    Overhead Extension------ 2 x 10

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    do low rep, with heavy weights...

    3-5 reps..3-4 sets..

    back width
    back thickness

    Day two would be Wednesday and would be


    Day three would be Friday and would be the same as day one but with different exercises

    back width
    back thickness

    (sat+sun off)
    The answer to your every question


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    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Try to keep in mind that its not the routine, but the work that you put in, that will ensure gains in the long run.. train hard..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    yup low reps like spy said

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman
    this is what i just came up with... I need some suggestions on what to delete from my workout and what to add.. please someone help???

    Monday: Chest/Triceps

    Workout ------ Sets Reps

    Regular Bench------ 6 x 10-8-6-4-2-burnout TOO MUCH IMO 5 sets should be more than ample infact if you do 5 sets make sure your first one is a nice high rep light set to induce blood flow and let your neurotransmitters know whats comming so they can incorp as many muscle fibers as possible for greater gains
    Incline Bench------ 3 x 8
    Decline Bench------ 3 x 8 unless its DB its gay do weighted DIPS instead IMO!
    Incline Flies ------ 2 x 8 Up too 3 sets slow and concentrated big stretch = big tear = big grow.
    Pushdowns------ 3 x 10
    Skull Crushers------ 3 x 8
    Dips ------ 3 x 15-15-burnout this are your mass makers for tri do them first IMO

    Tuesday: Legs

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Squats ------ 5 x 6
    Leg Curls ------ 3 x 8
    Leg Extensions ------ 3 x 8
    Weighted Calf Raises ------ 3 x 15
    No lunges ?

    Wednesday: Back/bicep

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Back Lat Pull downs------ 2 x 8 Dont do this too much torque on rotator cuff and range of motion isnt as effective
    Front Lat Pull downs------ 2 x 8 up to atleast 3 sets IMO
    Seated Row------ 3 x 8
    Deadlifts ------ 4 x 8 BEST EVER
    Straight Bar Curls ------ 3 x 10
    Seated Dumbbell Curl------ 3 x 10
    Preacher Curl------ 3 x 8 ANY MORE THAN 6 Sets IS OVERTRAINING ESPECIALLY after a BACK ROUTINE... better off not lifting at all than over training Do straight bar and either hammers or preacher strict.
    Machine Curls ------ 2 x 10-Burnout

    Thursday: Shoulders

    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Military Press------ 4 x 8 Why 2 of same compound motion?
    Dumbbell Press------ 3 x 8 pick bar one week db next alterante
    Front Raises------ 2 x 10 i would do 3 sets of lateral raises and bent over lateral raises and bam thats it hit all 3 head effectively
    Shrugs ------ 3 x 10

    Friday: Chest/Bicep/Triceps
    Dont do Bi's again once again Detrimental over training will cause the muscle to die. infact just take this day off and start your routein over again on the next day or so. this would most likely NOT be enuff time for body to fully recover thus causing more harm than good
    Workout ------ Sets Reps
    Regular Bench ------ 9 x 3
    Incline with Dumbbells------ 2 x 8
    Decline with Dumbbells------ 2 x 8
    E-Z Bar Curls ------ 3 x 10
    Seated Dumbbell Curls------ 3 x 10
    Close Grip Bench ------ 2 x 10
    Overhead Extension------ 2 x 10
    way too much overtraining IMO ... in the world of BB'ing Less is more ... unless your talking about AAS

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    hey tai you really think that 2 pressing movements are not needed in a cannon ball shoulder routine?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD
    hey tai you really think that 2 pressing movements are not needed in a cannon ball shoulder routine?
    aye, shoulders are used practically every upper body motion and yes i wouldnt do more than 3 sets of a shoulder press front/behind neck/db/arnold i would only do 1. i always get comments on my shoulder/back but its not workout routine just genetics =/
    Just lately i cut back from 4 sets of Shldr press to 3 and started doing only 2 raise excercises usually bent over lateral raises and standing lateral raises.. (removed front delt raises) and im seeing growth. from 9 sets of shoulders instead of 12-13 sets...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    aye, shoulders are used practically every upper body motion and yes i wouldnt do more than 3 sets of a shoulder press front/behind neck/db/arnold i would only do 1. i always get comments on my shoulder/back but its not workout routine just genetics =/
    Just lately i cut back from 4 sets of Shldr press to 3 and started doing only 2 raise excercises usually bent over lateral raises and standing lateral raises.. (removed front delt raises) and im seeing growth. from 9 sets of shoulders instead of 12-13 sets...

    hmph maybe my delts are lagging because of overtraining....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD
    hmph maybe my delts are lagging because of overtraining....
    u use them w/ chest, back, curls, and some tri motions. hmm... are they gettin enuff rest or are they being used every other day or more?

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