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  1. #1
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
    HOLLYWOOD is offline Senior Member
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    ? about HST by Brian Haycock

    one of the HST(hypertrophy specific training) theories is that you do not have to go to failure every set or day for that matter, all you need is a continuous progressive overload to stimulate hypertrophy. now how does this make any sense, if you're not using maximum weight for whatever the specific rep range, how can you expect to grow? will you not atrophy? in HST training you only go to failure once every 2 weeks. if you can bench 405lbs for 5 reps but for 2 weeks the weight is lower than your maximum weight for whatever rep range, even 5-10lbs lower willl the muscle used to push that extra 5-10 not atrophy becuase it is not needed, to me this seems like you start backwards? yes this program uses progressive overload, but it is sub maximal progressive overload? so i want to know how this training will stimulate growth, and if it actually has worked for anyone?

  2. #2
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
    HOLLYWOOD is offline Senior Member
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    anybody have an opinion on this?

  3. #3
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    Instead of doing 6 sets on bench in one workout, those sets are spread over the course of a week (2 on Mon, 2 on Wed, 2 on Fri). Either way the muscle sees 6 sets each week, however, with HST the distribution of the loading sessions creates a consistent environment conducive to hypertrophy. When you do all six sets at once, you put unnecessary drain on the central nervous system (CNS) and invite centralized overtraining symptoms and burnout

  4. #4
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    There is an obligatory increase in weight (from 5-20 lbs.) each workout. This means that at times you may be working with less than your maximum weight for any given rep scheme. This is by design. You will reach max poundages for a given rep range on the last workout of each two week block

  5. #5
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
    HOLLYWOOD is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    There is an obligatory increase in weight (from 5-20 lbs.) each workout. This means that at times you may be working with less than your maximum weight for any given rep scheme. This is by design. You will reach max poundages for a given rep range on the last workout of each two week block
    yesi know this, how does this give you hypertrophy gains, you're not even exerting yourself because of the sub maximal weights. you're not giving the muscle a reason to work harder than it actually can.

  6. #6
    Nixter's Avatar
    Nixter is offline Associate Member
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    This is where the SD part of HST comes in (strategic deconditioning). Basically, b4 you start the 6-8 week cycle you don't lift for 9-12 days to "reset" you body in effect. This way your muscles will respond to progressive load again.

    It's an iteresting theory that seems like it might make some sense I'm currently in my second week of my first cycle. I'll let you know how it goes. I REALLY love the full body workouts though, makes working out so much more enjoyable.


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