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Thread: What do you think about my workout routine?

  1. #1

    What do you think about my workout routine?

    I have 90 kg (199pounds) and i do 500mg Omna/week. I keep gaining...but my impression is that i`m getting smaller.
    My workout goes like this:
    1). Chest+Tri
    2). pause
    3). Back+Bi
    4). Shoulders + Traps + Abs
    5). pause
    6). Chest+Tri
    7). pause
    and on and on. the baseline is that i do 3 times in 2 weeks the same muscular group.
    I do the following workout
    Chest: 4 flat bench; 3 incline bench; 2 incline flys
    Tri: 3 close grip bench, 3 extensions
    Back: pull-downs 4, 4 t bar rows, 2 deadlifts
    Bi: 2 barbel curll, 2 incline bench dumbell curl, 2 hummer curls
    Shoulders: 3 press from chest, 2 flyes, 2 incline forward flyes.
    Traps: shrugs 5, Abs: not important.
    Rep scheme: 6-8.
    Do you think i should change something ? i have low tonus. thank you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    pause mean rest day or break between body parts during 1 GIANT workout?

    btw your Greatly over training... which is worse than not training at all plus it f's up your CNS and can cause some seroius issues as far as feeling happy and good and energetic.
    you GROW OUTSIDE the gym buddy.. if your in the gym more than your out... you not going to grow...
    never lift more than 1hr at a time and try to give muscles a 6 day rest to recover since it takes a MIN of 5 days completely heal unless you just dick around and dont do squat in the gym... good luck hope it helps.

  3. #3
    i`m lifting for about 50-60 mins. pause represents a day. 1) 2) 3) represents every other day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    looks ok but i would move it back 1 day so it would look like...
    1). Chest+Tri
    2). pause
    3). Back+Bi
    4). pause
    5). Shoulders + Traps + Abs
    6). pause
    1). Chest+Tri
    2). pause
    3). Back+Bi
    4). pause
    5). Shoulders + Traps + Abs
    6). pause

    just seems wise to me unless your intensity sux
    b/c imo if you are healing that fast your either freak of nature/ using DC training method/ or not doing a very good job blasting it in gym...

  5. #5
    yeah taiboxa... i thought the same to change it in a
    monday: chest + tri
    tuesday: pause
    wednesday: back + bi
    thursday: pause
    friday: shoulders + traps
    saturday & sunday pause.
    the exercices are well fixed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    but i gotta ask are you massing?
    because just for me .. when i mass i found that if i work out EOD and do like
    Chest/tri/front-side delts
    type of thing i get better growth for size since im not over training my tri's and shoulders... but thats just me thought i would throw it out there.
    im big on the concept of working all coinciding muscles in 1 go, so you dont over train them later in the weak.. but im odd

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Where is the leg training? You don't want to be top heavy. At least your deadlifting, but you really need to train the entire body. Unless you have some injury holding you back there is no excuse for why your not squatting!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    omg lol w/o legs you wont get opt growth..
    legs simulate greatest release of nat test/ GH
    like SC says yo.. you dont see big branches on small trees...

  9. #9
    i've got a bad knee injury
    Yeah, i`m massing.

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