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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    My Workouts Affected By Heat?

    I've been thinking, and kind of came to realize that overall, in the past 2.5 years i've been working out, it seems that I usually add more of the weight to my exercises during the fall/winter time. The temperatures in the weightroom are adecuate. However, now that spring has rolled around, and the temperate is about 25C-30C and the weight room is boiling hot, I felt like shit!

    Is this just because of the heat? I'm guessing it makes me feel tired and lazy! I was sweating more then usual (obviously) and overall just felt less energy! Same thing happened last year at the Y. Me and my friend were doing real bad! Had to down grade the bench by 10-15 pounds. Felt real weak!

    What's up with this? Any of you boyz feel the same way?

  2. #2
    Fif the Great's Avatar
    Fif the Great is offline Associate Member
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    My hands stick to the damn bar at my gym because it's so cold. But seriously, heat can definitely leave a listless feeling on anyone working out. When you're pumping heavy weight, you get hot, even though you're not running around or anything. So naturally, your body temp is going to rise (not a whole helluva lot) burning more calories, etc. Basically, the hotter you are internally, the more energy you're going to expend, so you're going to get tired faster. It happened to me when I had my bench outside in the carport. A noticeable difference in strength when in the heat. I dunno what to tell you about it, just be sure to stay completely hydrated if you're sweating a lot in that heat. Dehydration is everyone's worst enemy.

  3. #3
    Deadend's Avatar
    Deadend is offline Associate Member
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    I'm just the opposite dude, when I start to sweat I start feeling good. I love the heat and I hate, hate being cold. I couldn't live in Canada, where you are unless I had prozac script cause I would be miserable.

  4. #4
    stan66 is offline Junior Member
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    Man, I have felt the same exact way the past two days in the gym. It has only been around 80 degrees(F) here at the most but it has been South Africa hot in the gym.... I swear it felt like I should have been done my workout when I was only half way through. Doing legs on Sunday afternoon, I got through my 4 sets of squats and felt like I had done my whole workout already in terms of energy. This sucks, it is supposed to be in the high 80-low 90's the next two or three days. They may have to carry me out of there!!

    On a side note, I also find it a lot harder to cram all of the food down my throat that I have gotten used to the past months.When it is hot out, my appetite goes way down as well as my energy.....Oh, well, guess you gotta suck it up. Bitching about it is going to get us nowhere, just got to press on!!

  5. #5
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    hehe, yeah i guess i do have to suck it up!

    I'm hoping that the main reason i'm feeling this way is the fast change in temp. as well. It was only a week ago or so, that the temperature was getting to -5 or so at night. Now we are getting no lower then 15 overnight, so it's pretty hot. Hopefully by body will get used it it fast

    And deadend, it's not as bad as you think up north Obviously not as nice and hot as sweet Louisiana!!! My parents used to live there a long time ago! They loved it there!!! Damn, I wish they had of stayed down there, we couldn't ended up working out together but then again, I might not even have been born if they didn't move

  6. #6
    NightOp is offline Member
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    Jan 2002
    i hear ya terinox... yesterday i went in to the gym and not only was it packed full of people, but it was sweltering hot. I had low energy and motivation and did not lift as much despite proper sleep and diet that day/previous night... sucks.

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