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  1. #1
    9natural9's Avatar
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    chest growth....

    My upper chest is very massive, but my lower chest (below nipples) are lagging, any suggestions on working this area in specific?

  2. #2
    HalOd03 is offline Associate Member
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    im sure every1 will tell u to do more decline's...

  3. #3
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Dips with weights.. decline, and most important cardio.. yes, cardio.. that will burn that fat, you could have light gyno as well.

  4. #4
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    ummm gyno!!!! Please dont put me in cardiac arrest like that....I have no sign of the typical gyno candidate though????

  5. #5
    devilscabanaboy19's Avatar
    devilscabanaboy19 is offline Associate Member
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    Some people are just naturally have saggy pecs, that's all there is to it. But as far as bringing the lower chest up to speed cable crossovers and decline flys work well for me. Also dips work good but I don't do 'em cause they don't feel right to me.

  6. #6
    NightOp is offline Member
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    but wouldn't working the lower chest area increase the mass there, making it look worse. I guess what I'm asking is, 9natural9, do you want more mass on the lower part of your chest? or would you like to tighten it up and make everything proportional..

    I've also been told a million times that no matter what exercise you do for chest you cannot cause different areas to grow because its just one muscle... i disagree, but who knows.

  7. #7
    Big Show 23 Guest

    I should add

    The pectoral is 1 whole muscle and you can't isolate 1 area of the pectoral region.So if the lower area of your pecs are lagging it's just genetic.Just like how some people have perfectly aligned abs while others don't

  8. #8
    Ray is offline Junior Member
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    I dont agree at all with you Big Show. Yes, genetics does play a role but hitting different angles DOES make a difference. While you cant isolate the upper pec totally or the lower you CAN still stress an area more. Back in the day scientists used to say that you cant stress a specific part of the muscles but Bodybuilders proved them wrong and specific tests on muscle fibers that scientists now used proved themselves wrong also! Scientists also used to say that, in baseball it was impossible to throw a curve ball! And guess what, pitchers proved them wrong obviously too! Just because someone says something to you different than you though doesnt mean its actually true. Why do you think there are all these differents type of exercises?

  9. #9
    Big Show 23 Guest
    To tell you the truth Ray I thought of it as hitting the muscle from a different angle to add a little variety into the workout

  10. #10
    NightOp is offline Member
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    I tend to agree with Ray, however I've been told sooo many times by very knowledgable ppl that what BigShow is saying is right... in my own personal experience, i completely dropped all "lower chest" exercises and only do incline and machine flies right now... and when flexed my upper and out chest is much bigger than my lower chest, compared to what it was before.

  11. #11
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    Night OPs, I want mass on my lower pecs, my upper pecs are looking good but i think im not hitting my lower pecs hard enough. suggestions?

  12. #12
    NightOp is offline Member
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    i'm no expert... but assuming you can train the chest in different ways to cause greater growth in certain places (ie. in your situation lower chest)... I can only suggest what I've been told all my life... hit the dips (weighted dips if you want to get the reps down), decline bench, and mabye even some cable crossovers with the pulleys set up high.

  13. #13
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    thanks bro, u in Ark too?

  14. #14
    lethalppl's Avatar
    lethalppl is offline Associate Member
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    In dark dark place far far away
    dips are the way to go IMO. Cable cross is another good one but dips really burn my chest.

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