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  1. #1
    JerzeyBoy's Avatar
    JerzeyBoy is offline Member
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    Jun 2004

    My Mass Workout (My final questions) Please answer!!!

    Monday: Chest/Triceps
    1) Flat Bench Press
    2) Flat Dumbbell Flyes
    3) Incline Bench Press
    1) Nosebreakers
    2) Dips
    3) Tricep Pushdowns
    Tuesday: Back/Biceps
    1) Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
    2) Lying T-Bar Rows
    3)Seated Cable Rows
    1) Barbell Curls
    2) Dumbbell Curls
    3) Hammer Curls
    Wednesday: Legs/Forearms
    1) Leg Presses/Squats (Switched Bi-Weekly)
    2) Leg Curls
    3) Leg Extensions
    1) Forearm Curls
    2) Reverse Forearm Curls
    Thursday: Shoulders/Calves
    1) Military Press
    2) Bent-Over Laterals
    3) Shoulder Presses
    1) Dumbbell Shrugs
    2) Barbell Shrugs Back
    1) Standing Calf Raises
    2) Seated Calf Raises

    I know I've asked questions about this workout routine a couple of times but I never really got any solid answers. So here's my final questions...

    How is this for a mass workout?
    What exactly am I missing?
    Is there absolutly anything wrong with this?
    Keep each exercise 3 sets, 6 reps, heavy, for mass, no?
    Exactly where should I add supersetting?

    Please help me, I still didn't get any of these questions thoroughly answered yet...

    Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it.


  2. #2
    HOLLYWOOD's Avatar
    HOLLYWOOD is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JerzeyBoy
    Monday: Chest/Triceps
    1) Flat Bench Press
    2) Flat Dumbbell Flyes switch the incline and flyes around
    3) Incline Bench Press
    1) Nosebreakers
    2) Dips
    3) Tricep Pushdowns
    Tuesday: Back/Biceps
    1) Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
    2) Lying T-Bar Rows bent rows here
    3)Seated Cable Rows deadlifts here
    1) Barbell Curls straight bar
    2) Dumbbell Curls get rid of this
    3) Hammer Curls keep this
    Wednesday: Legs/Forearms
    1) Leg Presses/Squats (Switched Bi-Weekly) no leg presses just squats, up the volume on these too like 5 sets, and if you want to do leg presses do them after squats
    2) Leg Curls
    3) Leg Extensions
    Forearms: if you're going to do forearms then do them on your back/bi day and pick one exercise
    1) Forearm Curls
    2) Reverse Forearm Curls
    Thursday: Shoulders/Calves
    1) Military Press one press
    2) Bent-Over Laterals side laterals here
    3) Shoulder Presses bent laterals here
    1) Dumbbell Shrugs no need for 2
    2) Barbell Shrugs Back
    1) Standing Calf Raises i would do calves with the rest of your legs
    2) Seated Calf Raises

    I know I've asked questions about this workout routine a couple of times but I never really got any solid answers. So here's my final questions...

    How is this for a mass workout?
    What exactly am I missing?
    Is there absolutly anything wrong with this?
    Keep each exercise 3 sets, 6 reps, heavy, for mass, no? you'll have to find which range works best for you Exactly where should I add supersetting?

    Please help me, I still didn't get any of these questions thoroughly answered yet...

    Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it.

    check out the bold

  3. #3
    Hypertrophy's Avatar
    Hypertrophy is offline Senior Member
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    Getting Fat
    Begin the workout, keep a log (weight/measurement/strength/size/bodyfat/diet/supplements) and monitor your results. If the results are sub-par, manipulate one variable at a time until you find out what works for you. I would take Hollywood's advice and start the program, looks solid.

  4. #4
    Natural1's Avatar
    Natural1 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2004
    looks good to go man, pyramid up with your sets too(it worked for me helped me add about 5 lbs a week on bench)

  5. #5
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural1
    looks good to go man, pyramid up with your sets too(it worked for me helped me add about 5 lbs a week on bench)
    Same with me..keep the weight going up each week, it does nothing to stay at the same weight each week.

  6. #6
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada eh
    Personally for triceps I would do 1. close grip bench; 2. skull crushers; 3. dips

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