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  1. #1
    fitgirl943's Avatar
    fitgirl943 is offline Female Member
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    Breast Implants: To Be or Not to Be

    Ok ladies I took a deep breath and decided to try to create a thread. Do you think we as women should implant or not? Let me hear from you about this!

    I myself am all for it if that is what one chooses to do. Of course I have done my homework and am aware of the complications. I do not have them but I've kicked the idea around for years. I don't think they are necessary but again I don't think that they are unnecessary either. I think it's a personal choice as with all things.

    I'm not unhappy with my breast size but the thought isn't unappealing either.
    Last edited by fitgirl943; 10-08-2001 at 01:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok good post I personally feel that if you are really unhappy with the size of your breasts it should be up to you to make the decision to change them! I watched one of these chat show programmes where guys were wanting their gfriends to have breast implants! I really think thats wrong if you make the decision it should be on your own back!

    With Fitness and BB as your body fat levels drop so do the size of your breasts because all they really are are fatty deposits! You will see a lot of fitness girls who have had breast implants but they look so wrong i mean come on how natural does it look to have these huge round lumps on your chest that just jut out! LOL
    but i know a lot of professional woman that feel they have too! One fitness competetor (her name has gone im afraid)in M&F hers last month was talking about how she felt under pressure to have implants but really didnt want to i admire this she has a great physique but doesnt feel she needs to fit in by going under the knief so to speak!

    so IMO i think if you are really really unhappy bout the size of your breast do something about it but if its purley for cosmetic reasons then why should you!!
    Ms Figure

  3. #3
    Ange is offline Female Member
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    I used to want implants because I was only an A cup. I quit smoking 2 years ago and gained about 20 pounds and I swear 10 of it went straight to my boobs. Now I'm a C cup and happier with my figure, but I think if you want implants and have done your research, considered the risks and still want them, then go for it.

    Ms. Figure I have to agree about fitness girls who are nice and lean with these huge fake boobs. They look ridiculous, IMO.

  4. #4
    Bert2's Avatar
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    I have the same opinion...if you want them and you've done your research, not only on the implants but also on the doctors, then go for it as long as it's for you and not your man. It's what makes YOU happy!

    At the BB Championships on the weekend there were a few women BB's who had implants, ranging in size from small to extremely huge. The one that had the small implants actually looked good even though she was so lean, but as for the others, it just looked ridiculous! One of the girls' was so large it was distracting. It was like a car don't want to look but you can't stop yourself!!

    Anyway, I used to be small, but over the past 6 years I've put on some well needed weight and luckily some went to my chest! I'm happy with them, but I know they'll get smaller when I get really lean again. That's o.k. though 'cause my chest muscles will be big!!


  5. #5
    Ashley is offline Female Member
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    okay for some of you all your are going to think I have done it all, Yes I have Implants!!!!! No, they are not huge matter of fact i have more people tell me they thought i was just blessed!! that goes to a damn good plastic surgeon. I was a b-cup barely before and now I am barely a d-cup. In my consoltation they explained to me that there were 2-b's 2-'c and so on. you could be a d-cup or a FULL d-cup. I went with the d. It is very porportionate to my figure. I have worked out since the age of 13 in 7th grade cheerleading and up and I had no boobs!!!!! I was so sick of it.

    The pain is hard especially if you DO go under the muscle as I did but I really love them. they are not hard and do not look like baseballs. Ya know the ones that look like baseballs are usually the ones that belong to the models that are above the muscle and they do this b/c they don't have the time to heal. Now, I have seen some great looking ones that are above so it could be you, your doc, or just the way you takecare of yourself. My deal was at least 4 months before you could even think about touching them and 8 months before i could thing about laying on my stomach! I took a solid year off of heavy upper body work out as my pectorals were cut and were trying to heal. This was very hard for me but again totally worth it.

    If any of you have any other questions, I'll be glad to answer. This is so funny that I feel now like "well what haven't you done"!! O'well just goes to show you I love liking the way I look but not in a vain way. I just like respecting myself and having confidence. In my eyes if there is a problem fix it. No, I can't grow boobs so I spent the money and amhappy, I wanted to be harder and see my muscles so I did "A" cycle!!!

    have fun~Ash!!

  6. #6
    fitgirl943's Avatar
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    Ash I love you!! I had to laugh when you said you've done it all. There's nothing wrong with that. Keep being you!!! I'll keep you posted, but if I do get them it won't be anytime soon.

  7. #7
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    Wow Ashley im impressed girl!! You are a well informed chick!
    Ms Figure

  8. #8
    Chempink's Avatar
    Chempink is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ive had my fish tanks for over 16 years and I still love them. Unfortunately I wasnt blessed in that department and felt that I needed that extra help to make my physique more proportionate.
    They were placed behind the muscle and looks much more natural, especially with low body fat.....if you know what Im talking about....lots of time you see fitness girls with big round bags and its so obvious.....The main thing is to do your homework and find the best Cosmetic/Plastic surgeon in your local area.
    I dont regret it and I would do it again and again and again.
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  9. #9
    primodonna is offline Female Member
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    Curious to know the healing time for the girls that went under the muscle...when could you go back to the gym 100% on chest day?
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  10. #10
    Chempink's Avatar
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    It takes a bit longer to heal and it also depends on a person, I would say to be on a safe side.........4 to 6 weeks....every person heals differentely, and after the surgery you have to take it nice and slow, when hitting your pecs.
    Its not the Length of Life but its Depth.

  11. #11
    KBgrl's Avatar
    KBgrl is offline Female Member
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    i think that if a woman wants to get breat implant for herself ...go for it...more power to ya!
    im not sure if i would get them though. i do like the way SOME of them look (if they're not too too big) but the thought of something implanted in me doesnt sit to well....but hey.... i ama firm believer in the statement...never say never!

    i am very new to the fitness scene...been working out 2 yrs... im still very young and have a loooooooooong way to go. i would like to compete one day, not sure if i want to go for BB or figure yet but either way it will be a few yrs. i recently sent some pics of myself to someone with some "experience" and he basically said.... you'll never make it BB -- u dont have the base for it -- u could do very well in figure because of "ur looks" -- and i would HIGHLY reccomend breast implants. after i finished VOMITING from his response i cried lol! im better than that my friends! what an ass this guy was?!?! what the hell do my looks...or my breasts (or lack there of) have to do with reaching my goals!?!? MEN! but that true to an extent? say it aint soooooo!

  12. #12
    Ashley is offline Female Member
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    Poor you ---- I hope youtold that guy where to go!!! You can achieve anything yo put your mind to and want very hard!! Don't ever let anyone tell you different!

  13. #13
    fitgirl943's Avatar
    fitgirl943 is offline Female Member
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    Hi KBGrl. You can do whatever it is that you set your mind to do. You don't have to have implants to succeed. You were dealing with a "typical male."

  14. #14
    NubianBeauty's Avatar
    NubianBeauty is offline Female Member
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    I already have D cups, and I also have 3 they have dropped a little(did not breast feed though) I have thought about getting a lift, even that is expensive

  15. #15
    fitgirl943's Avatar
    fitgirl943 is offline Female Member
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    When i was researching implants a lot of the pamphlets mentioned lifts. The pamphlets specifically stated that if you are in need of a lift (regardless of your present size) that that was advised before getting implants because after implants you would still need the lift.

    You are right NubianBeauty. It is also expensive.

  16. #16
    Really Blonde is offline Female Member
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    Breast Implants

    I have to admit I am thinking very seriously of having implants. I have worked very hard this past year and have made great progress with my body. Unfortunately I was not blessed in the breast department so the more I work the less I have. Trainer has worked hard with me to build chest muscles up which has made them look better but the are still very small. My hubby and I have set a goal for body fat when I reach that goal I will get a consultation with a few doctors that have been recommended to me by other women who are satisfied. I think it is a personal decision and should be well thought out and investigated. It is expensive and lots of different options to consider.

  17. #17
    Jenna's Avatar
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    I have implants (avatar) however, people can never tell. I got them 3 days after I turned 18 ! I couldn't wait. I was a 34 B and am now a 36 D. I have a large frame ( I think) so people are usually shocked when I tell then that they are implants.

    I NEVER regret getting them, EVER! I am considering getting them done again - I am 26 now, so they are almost a decade old - so, I just may entertain the thought more closer to income tax time !!

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  18. #18
    Latgirl is offline Female Member
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    I had them put in a few months ago. I dont regret it at all. I lost my natural ones to dieting down. It wouldnt have been bad but I have 3 small kids. The skin didnt look the same. Just went back to a fullC and am very happy!

  19. #19
    ann's Avatar
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    I bought me some new boobies after having and then breastfeeding all of my three kids. After the third kiddie, the breastfeeding took its toll, besides the b/f loss...... I went from a good B to a AA.

    Mine are under the muscle; I am a large C.....and love them. They gave me back confidence to be naked, with the lights on I didnt do chest workouts for about 8 weeks after the surgery.....but I did do cardio......and legs. Its important to give yourself time to heal....

    I can never just sit around though, and the next day after getting them done, I was laying in bed and listening to my husband getting the kids ready for school. He was doing our routine all I got up and helped. The pain was truly nil for me....and I didnt even need the pain pills prescribed for after.

    I would like to go bigger in a few more years....only because as I add more size to my back and chest, they are looking smaller than I thought

  20. #20
    Really Blonde is offline Female Member
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    Those of you that have had new boobs put in where did you have the doctor go through? Everyone has told me to go under the muscle but have had lots of views of where to go through. Glad to hear that this was not god awful pain.

  21. #21
    ann's Avatar
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    My Doctor went in under the breast.......he can help you decide where is best. Through the armpit or the bellybutton is a little more expensive. And I wasnt too hip on going through the nipple either. Thought if I went through the nipple, I might lose some sensation. Lost none with the surgery done under.

  22. #22
    Chempink's Avatar
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    I would like to go bigger in a few more years....only because as I add more size to my back and chest, they are looking smaller than I thought
    So true, my breasts implants dont look as big anymore, cuz my back and delts are gotten bigger. I might get them redone for a size bigger next year.
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  23. #23
    ann's Avatar
    ann is offline Female Member
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    So right Chempink....I try to tell girls to go a size bigger, if they are truly serious on lifting weights heavy.

    But there are not to many girls at my gym that lift

  24. #24
    Latgirl is offline Female Member
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    Lol@Ann I was up the next day doing laundry. I thought my husband was jerking it all up No pain here either. Well, I did wake up really hurting one night. I looked at my chest and my 3 year olds legs were on them Ouchie

  25. #25
    Super's Avatar
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    What happens to the implants if you get pregnant? You can't nurse right?

    I am 32, but still haven't made any decisions yet on children. In my younger years I would never have considered implants, but now they don't seem as full and perky.

    I am a b right now, but know that they will shrink to an A when I diet down, so I may do some research into implants at that time.

    I have no idea what the cost is. Are there any Canadians here who can give me a rough estimate on what their cost was?
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  26. #26
    Jenna's Avatar
    Jenna is offline Female Member
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    Originally posted by Super
    What happens to the implants if you get pregnant? You can't nurse right?
    I have implants and I breast fed my daughter for a year just fine. I think it depends on whether or not you have it above or below the muscle...but, I had no problem breast feeding.

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  27. #27
    Super's Avatar
    Super is offline Female Member
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    Thanks Jenna. I'm guessing yours are under the muscle then? I read that those have a longer recovery time, but are more natural looking? Your avatar looks nice.
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  28. #28
    Jenna's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Super
    Thanks Jenna. I'm guessing yours are under the muscle then? I read that those have a longer recovery time, but are more natural looking? Your avatar looks nice.
    You're probably right about them being under the muscle - unfortunately I had JUST turned 18 when I had them done and didn't ask too many questions about them.... I have no idea how many cc's I had put in or anything! I was so nieve ! But, I STILL have no regrets....

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  29. #29
    fitgirl943's Avatar
    fitgirl943 is offline Female Member
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    I remember in my pamphlets that it said you could breastfeed. It didn't specify over or under the muscle. Been a while since I looked up the info.
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  30. #30
    Ashley is offline Female Member
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    Under the Muscle

    Much longer recovery, Much more natural looking, and yes, you can breastfeed!

  31. #31
    muscleup36 is offline Female Member
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    I think that an individual decision. I decided to get rocking chairs on my front porch 6yrs. ago. I competed in bench press competitions alot and lost my chest! I went from a 32A to a 34C. Mine are underneath the muscle, and I wish I had gotten my surgeon to stitch up my outer pec, because now when lying down they fall into my arm pits! (LOL) YOU GO GIRLS, don't let anyone discourage you from your goals.


  32. #32
    Really Blonde is offline Female Member
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    One of the trainers at my gym said when she started working out after she had her implants that it felt as if her boobs were shooting out the sides anytime she did bench press. HAve any of you had this experience?

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