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Thread: SYMETRY...pissing me off!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    SYMETRY...pissing me off!

    Ok this really pisses me off and i've read a ton of different things on how to fix this and i'm confused..

    I'm not symetrical in many's not really noticable to other people but it is to me and it's annoying.

    What do you guys do to even out uneven muscles?

    For ex. my upper left pec is bigger than the right one so if you look at the lower part and especially from the side it sticks out more than the left one (like there's more fat there), i'm pretty sure this happened because my left tri is bigger and stronger that my right one=more concentration on left side when doing bench presses with a barbell or dumbells=bigger left pec.

    I'm on my first cycle now and i want to do all i can to fix this or at least make it less visible.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    I am having the same problem, and would like to know how to fix this as well. Thanks


  3. #3
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Concentrate on your form. Perfect movement everytime will yield symetry. However it might take a bit of time to even your muscles. Just focus on your form and it will come eventually.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    i have the same problem even though my arms aren't that big yet. my left pec is slightly bigger except every other muscle on my right side is bigger apart from the traps. i think the reason for me being like this was partly due to breaking my right arm, so i lost a lot of muscle and maybe it gained quicker but its probably also poor form

    now my shoulder joint is loose though and there is a greater range of motion, so maybe im not fully stretching the right pec. i don't think the muscles will even out just by doing even form (it might take ages), i try to concentrate on specific unilateral exercises to try to even it up and it seems to work.

  5. #5
    You guys, there is a few important things to know about taking care of symmetry.

    1) dont overcompensate with the smaller one!
    2) do workouts that will isolate each muscle. Example: Dumbell curls instead of EZ bar curls
    3) make sure to isolate and really feel what your doing

    if this problem still persists, I would say drop your weight a tiny bit, so that your weaker muscles are comfortable, and try building them back up to par.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SeanStew
    if this problem still persists, I would say drop your weight a tiny bit, so that your weaker muscles are comfortable, and try building them back up to par.
    That would suck as i can lift more with my right Bicep and it's stronger.

  7. #7
    My suggestion would be to have a qualified trainer watch your technique while you perform the exercise. On an exercise like the bench press, you really can't monitor your technique to the T. If you don't have access to a qualified trainer, take a video camera and record your technique. Take a few buddies and analyze the tape at home. A buddy might see something your not.

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