Ok this really pisses me off and i've read a ton of different things on how to fix this and i'm confused..
I'm not symetrical in many places..pecs..bis..tris..traps..it's not really noticable to other people but it is to me and it's annoying.
What do you guys do to even out uneven muscles?
For ex. my upper left pec is bigger than the right one so if you look at the lower part and especially from the side it sticks out more than the left one (like there's more fat there), i'm pretty sure this happened because my left tri is bigger and stronger that my right one=more concentration on left side when doing bench presses with a barbell or dumbells=bigger left pec.
I'm on my first cycle now and i want to do all i can to fix this or at least make it less visible.
Thanks guys.