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Thread: overtraining or undertraining?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    overtraining or undertraining?

    I have been doing this new workout split for a 6 weeks now, have been great results and strength gains for all my body parts, except my chest. The current slip i'm doing is
    day1: legs and abs
    day2: chest and shoulders
    day 3: rest
    day 4: back, bicep, and tricep
    day 5: reapeat
    day6 and day 7 rest.

    I'm currently doing a bulking cycel of deca, dbol and test E, taking in around 4000-4500 calories
    Like i said strenght and mass gains have been great for all body parts except for chest.

    This is what I'm doing for chest
    5 sets of 12 reps of barbell flat bench
    5 sets of 12 reps of incline dumbbell
    5 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell flys
    I usually hit failure right at the 12 reps. My chest is usually sore for a day or two. Now am I overtraining or undertraining? ANy advice or help will be nice. thanks

  2. #2
    I would do one day on, one day off in your training, and dont fail at 12, fail at 6 - 8

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    day1: shoulders and abs. day2: chest and calves day3: bi's, tri's and abs day4: quads and hamstrings day5: back and calves. This routine has made a huge difference for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I dont really want to change my whole routine, cause i'm making good progress on everything else except chest. JUst wanted some advice on why i'm not making good pogress on chest, meaning strength and mass gains. SHould i change my reps, sets or chest excercise. ALso when doing bench should i bring the weight all the way down to my chest? thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    if the 5 sets of 12 are all work sets and not warmups, then yeah, you may be overtraining. Also, I dont understand your schedule, says day 5;repeat, but days 6 and 7 off??? Repeat what, the legs and abs, then followed by 2 days off? I'm not following ya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    my schedule is that I allways rest on weds, sats, and sunday. Yes i do repeat legs and abs, and then on the following monday i do chest and shoulders, SO each week i'm either hitting legs/abs or chest/ shoulders or back/bis/tris twice a week. so what would be a normal amount of sets?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    the gym
    Sometimes its tough not overtraining when you get caught up in the enthusiasm of a cycle. But I seriously think its whats holding you back. I would do 2 warm ups for your first set of chest, then 3 work sets your first exercise(so 5 sets total). Then just 3 good all out work sets your other chest exercises. I dont feel its necessary to warm up on ALL of my different exercises for chest, mainly just the first couple sets. I'd def lower the rep scheme to 6-8 for growth. A suficient chest workout would be 10 or 11 sets max for me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Sometimes its tough not overtraining when you get caught up in the enthusiasm of a cycle. But I seriously think its whats holding you back. I would do 2 warm ups for your first set of chest, then 3 work sets your first exercise(so 5 sets total). Then just 3 good all out work sets your other chest exercises. I dont feel its necessary to warm up on ALL of my different exercises for chest, mainly just the first couple sets. I'd def lower the rep scheme to 6-8 for growth. A suficient chest workout would be 10 or 11 sets max for me.

    This is exactly what I do...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I will try your advice. Should I train to failure? Also when doing barbell bench, should I bring the bar down to my chest?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by yaston2003
    I have been doing this new workout split for a 6 weeks now, have been great results and strength gains for all my body parts, except my chest. The current slip i'm doing is
    day1: legs and abs
    day2: chest and shoulders
    day 3: rest
    day 4: back, bicep, and tricep
    day 5: reapeat
    day6 and day 7 rest.

    I'm currently doing a bulking cycel of deca, dbol and test E, taking in around 4000-4500 calories
    Like i said strenght and mass gains have been great for all body parts except for chest.

    This is what I'm doing for chest
    5 sets of 12 reps of barbell flat bench
    5 sets of 12 reps of incline dumbbell
    5 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell flys
    I usually hit failure right at the 12 reps. My chest is usually sore for a day or two. Now am I overtraining or undertraining? ANy advice or help will be nice. thanks
    That doesn’t look to bad as you are on the gear,, good to see that you are minimizing overlapping of body parts by grouping then together. You could do the same with a 3 day a week split, but you could probably get away with it because of the juice, what I would recommend is mixing up reps a bit, you only doing sets of 12..and insure that you are doing the correct exercises..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The very best way is to listen to your body, i train 5-6 times a week i dont go heavy i got some damn posture rehab exercices to do but can also train my whole body.

    I do 4 sets of 15 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets, and i finish it off with 20-30 minutes of cardio usually stairmaster which works best for me.

    Split goes like this

    Chest, triceps

    back biceps



    I can train four days in a row then feel i need a break i take it, then i can train 2 days in a row and take 2 days break.

    Everybody is different and this is why your question is quit hard to answer.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i guess what i'm doing now is not working for chest, so i'll keep everything else the same anc change my chest day. I may go lower in reps and lower in sets and see what kind of results i get in two weeks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    also should i bring the bar down to my chest when doing bench or stop at about 5 inches above my chest?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    no variety bro, mix up the rep/set schemes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by dr.shred
    no variety bro, mix up the rep/set schemes.

    just what i was gonna say

    if your bulking you wana keep your reps below 10 unless your warming up
    10,8,6,4 always works for me when bulking

    you could add a back-off set to that too, which i like to do for an extra pump
    so it would go 10, 8, 6, 4, 12

    i dont think your over-training by the way although if i was you i would have a rest day after legs

    i cant even get out of bed after leg day let alone make it to the gym
    so feck knows how you manage it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I would suggest doing more sets in the 4-6 rep range... or even some sets of heavy triples.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanks for everyone for replying and helping. I will change my rep in the 4-8 range, and increase weight every week.
    Just one more question,
    "When doing barbell bench, should i bring the bar all the way down to my chest?"

  18. #18
    NO...this causes you to cheat as some people bounse the bar on their chest and loose control and resistance...also it can be a bit to much of a stress on your shoulders.

  19. #19
    you do want as much range of motin though

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Dont switch your routine as suggested, legs at the start of the week IMO is the best! Only you can answer if your overtraining as everyone is different, although its very hard to determine during a cycle. Personally I hit 12 sets for chest MAX! I will give you some personal cristicism, I was injured because I was bulking and lowered my reps to 4-6. My advice is stay at 8 or more! Its hard to tell if your injured when your on but when you come off you will know! Going below 6 is A LOT of stress on your tendons and joints even though your on deca! Personally I would add Triceps WITH chest! Giver shoulders their own day aka
    Day1: Legs
    Day2 : Chest/Tri
    Day3: Rest
    Day4: Back (including rear delts)/Bi's
    Day5: Rest
    Day 6: Shoulders
    Depending on how you feel, start over on day 7 or take another rest day!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by yaston2003
    thanks for everyone for replying and helping. I will change my rep in the 4-8 range, and increase weight every week.
    Just one more question,
    "When doing barbell bench, should i bring the bar all the way down to my chest?"
    Pause a little ways off from your chest! 1/2 to 1 inch

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    legs at the start of the week is fine but imo you need a day off after l

    if you are training with heavy squats, hacks and leg presses as you should be if you are bulking, there is no way you can perform to the best of your ability the next day at the gym - squats are one of the most demanding exercise available and have a real effect on your whole central nervous system

    your cns needs a day to recover before you can even think about picking up the weights again
    i have 2 days off after legs

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    My legs are the best part of my body. They are huge and very strong and yes I'm doing heavy squats and leg presses on leg day. My legs recover fairly quickly.
    I guess fromt the census here, I should lower my reps to 6-8 and maybe my sets also. SO here is my new chest workout plan:
    3 sets of 5-8 flat bench
    3 sets of 5-8 incline bench
    3 sets of 5-8 flys
    3 sets of 5-8 weighted dips
    For variety (as Dr. Shred suggested i needed) I will switch between barbell and dumbbell each week for flat and incline. And switch between dumbbell and cables for flys and switch between decline and dips.

    My last question is "SHould I take each exercise set to failure or just the last exercise set to failure.

  24. #24
    Yaston, I was wondering if you might be a "Shoulder Bench presser" like myself, I have a hard time not incorporating my shoulders to lift what i'm trying to with my chest. if this is a problem, try cable crossovers, those really seem to squeeze your pecs, pec dec flys are good too

  25. #25
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    Dec 2004
    Tiger, at times I'm a shoulder bench presser, especially when doing incline dumbbell, my shoulders start to hurt before my chest does. I just then slow down my movement and concentrate more on using my pec, but I will try cable crossovers.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    SHould I take each exercise set to failure or just the last exercise set to failure.
    Also does cable crossovers and dips work the same chest area, and which one of the two is better for inn chest development. thanks

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    day1: shoulders and abs. day2: chest and calves day3: bi's, tri's and abs day4: quads and hamstrings day5: back and calves. This routine has made a huge difference for me.
    nope, if your chest is suffering then shoudler day before chest day is a bad idea, your anterioor delt will not be able to recover within 24hours. your shoulders will fail before your chest will, leaving your chest unstimulated

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by yaston2003
    I have been doing this new workout split for a 6 weeks now, have been great results and strength gains for all my body parts, except my chest. The current slip i'm doing is
    day1: legs and abs
    day2: chest and shoulders
    day 3: rest
    day 4: back, bicep, and tricep
    day 5: reapeat
    day6 and day 7 rest.

    I'm currently doing a bulking cycel of deca, dbol and test E, taking in around 4000-4500 calories
    Like i said strenght and mass gains have been great for all body parts except for chest.

    This is what I'm doing for chest
    5 sets of 12 reps of barbell flat bench
    5 sets of 12 reps of incline dumbbell
    5 sets of 12 reps of dumbbell flys
    I usually hit failure right at the 12 reps. My chest is usually sore for a day or two. Now am I overtraining or undertraining? ANy advice or help will be nice. thanks

    put your chest day first of the week, bring the reps down to 4-8 and knock the sets down to like 12, try either incline or flat db's or bar first and the dips, and that should be all you need, if you can still do more after that then you're not hitting it hard enough and you'll have to re-evaluate your training intensity

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hey Hollywood, what do you think of this new routine?
    3 sets of 5-8 flat bench
    3 sets of 5-8 incline bench
    3 sets of 5-8 flys
    3 sets of 5-8 weighted dips
    and should i bring each set to failure or just the last set to failure for each exercise.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Also Hollywood, which is better for inner chest development, cable crossovers or dips? thanks

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    dips before fly, yes each sets to failure, 12 sets total to failure not including warm-ups! what are your stats?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by yaston2003
    Also Hollywood, which is better for inner chest development, cable crossovers or dips? thanks

    in my experience there wasnt really any specific exericses that really helped with inner chest developemnt what really helped with me was just building up my chest and it just filled out all over, flyes tho may help with that! but do them last compound movements should be your priority

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    age: 24
    14-18 % body fat
    Most of muscle and mass is in the legs

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Also, cause i want to work my inner chest, should i do cable crossovers instead of dumbbell flys or would the dips be enough. thanks

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ya 12 sets should be good, the reason why i ask is becouse if you're an ectomorph 12 heavy sets might be too much for the CNS.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Thanks Hollywood for your input

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by yaston2003
    Also, cause i want to work my inner chest, should i do cable crossovers instead of dumbbell flys or would the dips be enough. thanks

    stick to free weights bro! keep the dips and flyes in there but flyes last

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanks for everyones input. I will keep you updated and let everyone know if this works or not

  40. #40
    idk what do you guys think....
    Day.1-chest and triceps
    Day.2-back and calfs
    Day.3-quads and hamstrings
    Day.4-shoulders and traps
    I do Abs ed exept wednesdays unless i do heavy ab workout....
    Current Gear--- Trenbalone 100mg ed & Testoviron 250 Currently at 1000mg this and next week then ill taper down 2weeks 750 2weeks 500 and 3weeks 250 ( no Gyno my body handle test extremley well!!!)

    20yrs old
    body fat% 10

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