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Thread: uneven lats

  1. #1

    uneven lats

    this is kinda stupid, but my right lat is larger than my left. i think it may be becuase when im carrying plates, i usually carry with my right hand. does that make any sense? if that's not it, what other reason could it be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    use narrow grip pull down, each arm seperatly

    use and underhand grip , and the next workout try underhand grip and try to kinda twist it on the way down....

    of course include some more dumbell or one arm exercise in ur back training

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I dont know if carrying plates etc is the reason. But as a general rule I make sure i cary one plate with each hand or if Im only carrying one that I alternate hands each time. Dont get into the habit of favouring one side...


  4. #4
    If it is from carrying the plate on the larger lat side, then I recommend switching their roles until balance is achieved. Don't worry about alternating them, just carry on your small side lat until they even out. What I would recommend is to have a buddy watch your form on all back exercises and give you some feedback. Or better yet videotape and critique your technique. Your strong side could be doing more of the work if you use chins, barbells, etc.

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