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Thread: Inner chest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Inner chest

    What's u everybody...I'm new to this forum. I found a lot of great advice on here for my workouts. I'm having a tough time developing my inner chest " The curve". I've been doin the flys alot, and I know most of you who are experienced would say that there is not particular workout that targets the inner chest, since working out the chest pumps up every section of your pecs. So what do you guys really do to get that inner chest going?

    THanks guys...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I should be more specific i guess...I"m 6,0..186 lbs..20 years old..and working out hard for around a year now. Im currently bulking but not as much as dedicated as i should. Can anyone guide me to a post for a proper bulking scheduale or post work out routines. Greatly Appreciate it guys...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by TRAY Z
    What's u everybody...I'm new to this forum. I found a lot of great advice on here for my workouts. I'm having a tough time developing my inner chest " The curve". I've been doin the flys alot, and I know most of you who are experienced would say that there is not particular workout that targets the inner chest, since working out the chest pumps up every section of your pecs. So what do you guys really do to get that inner chest going?

    THanks guys...
    do you mean the Sternum, you can hit it a little more by doing dips, at the top of the movement squeeze and hold for a second or two, and to a point close grip bench…
    Last edited by S.P.G; 08-10-2005 at 04:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Yup the sternum SPG....SO doing dips would help me acheive that...I mean i have such a powerful chest but the sternum is not developing as much at i would like it to...thanks for your help SPG..

  5. #5
    You have your sternal (breast bone) fibers and you clavicular (collar bone) fibers. Clavicular fibers are stressed when the upper arm comes across the chest (bench, flies, etc.). Sternal fibers are stressed when the upper arm is brought down from above the head (pullovers, etc.).

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