I was reading this article and watching some of the videos
He mentions gaining 20 lbs when he did 15 and 20 reps squats.
Is this a way to go?
I was reading this article and watching some of the videos
He mentions gaining 20 lbs when he did 15 and 20 reps squats.
Is this a way to go?
i prefer to squat heavy but thats just me
i have heard many people have sucess with Swolecats leg workout and I believe 20 rep squats is on his agenda
You are d*mn skippy.
Legs and the muscles they contain are a WHOLE OTHER BALLGAME.
You must use a moderately heavy weight for a lot of reps to encourage them to grow and grow big!
You use your legs all day when you walk, run, etc. They basically carry you around for LIFE, so those leg muscles really need extra encouragement to grow since you "flex" them or use them everytime you walk. They are used to being worked to some degree EVERYDAY, so in order to really send the message to them to hypertrophy, that message has to big BIG (moderate heavy) and CONSISTENT (higher than normal reps), to hammer home that idea.
go high rep on leg exercises... keep it heavy though, I know it sounds contradicting but intensity is key (for ex. double drop sets)
If you're going to go with 15-20 reps in the squat, make sure you are getting in adequate calories or you could end up decreasing your bodyweight and muscle tissue. I, personally, prefer a more moderate rep range of 8-12 reps. I've found the 15-20 reps puts my legs into a state of overtraining and I end up catabolizing muscle tissue. This applys for your goal of hypertrophying the total body. If you're an athlete that needs local muscular endurance, then go with the 15-20 reps for the squat. Good luck, bro!
this is true...Originally Posted by striker93
considering it is your whole lower body, I usually split hams and quads and work 'em on different days... might not be practical for some but you get great results
I agree, throw in your occasional heavy set of squats/hacks or whatever just to give a shock and help stimulate strength, but I like to go mod heavy and higher reps (above 10) more like 12-15 and even sometimes up to twenty. Shit on leg extensions/lunges i go up to 30 or so reps.Originally Posted by SwoleCat
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