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Thread: average sets per bodypart (refresh me please)

  1. #1

    average sets per bodypart (refresh me please)

    I am outlining my routine for next month and I would just like a little refreshment if you will, as it slips my mind exactly how it usually goes....
    Anyone know the average amount of sets to perform for each diferent bodypart?
    The sets vary depending on the amount of weight for each exercise right? High weight=lower sets more rest Btwn sets/ Lower weight=higher sets less rest Btwn sets?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk
    it varies per individual. some people have the genetics to grow on x amount of sets, others need more.. you're goal is to hit each part of the muscle group, working both type-I and type-II fibers with heavy weight and light weight training which is why a lot of people do sets of 12,10,8, give you the best of both worlds working both types of fibers. you have to experiment bro. personally, i do anywhere from 12-16 sets for upper body excluding biceps which i only do 8 sets... lower body is 16 sets and higher for me. but you need to find out what works best for you...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    for power you might want to keep about 3 sets (not including warm ups); bodybuilding requires more reps and sets

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    When bulking I usually stick to about 12-15 sets for chest, back and shoulder/traps. Thighs/calves are around 20 sets and arms I usually do 9 sets for each tri's and bi's.

  5. #5
    I perform about 6 working sets for each large muscle group and 2 sets for small muscle groups.
    Last edited by Powerathlete; 08-17-2005 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    For smaller muscle groups I go from 4-6 ant the lager 9-10 and it depends how hard your training

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