as the title says
as the title says
There's so much answers to your question... Post yours and we'll criticize it.
There is no "1" best split, as no one person will benefit from the same stimuli in the same manner.
There is no best training split...there are many different splits ill show you mine for instance.
My split is currently
Sunday: Legs and abs
Monday:bis tris delts
Wednesday:chest and abs
Thursday:back and traps
Saturday:Start routine over.
So the best thing to do is to workout for 2 days and rest for one and workout each bodypart atleast once a week (duh right?). You gotta find what best works for you...
Building mass is not about what training split you have but how many reps you are doing what you are eating and so forth.
I would recommend a powerlifting routine.
You have to find what works best for you I may be a conventional old school routine like
Chest shoulders triceps
Back biceps
Many people start with this routine and get good results
You could try a 5 day split
5Chest shoulders
You may find this is better for you, or 2 on 1 off ect, ect,
make sure you incorporate the midrange multiple joint exercises, and train hard you will be on your way…
5x5 routine in the form of Push / Pull / Legs.
Ends up being Chest,SHoulder,Tri / Back,Bi / Legs
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