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Thread: obtaining strength without weight gain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    obtaining strength without weight gain

    i have around 200lbs of lean body mass and i want to take that lean body mass and make it as dense and strong as it can be

    what kind of diet should i be getting thats might be different from the general diets that build muscle?

    im guessing it would take a much longer time as opposed to building strength based on weight gain?

    any other tricks i should know about that will make lean tissue more dense?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    If it is possible to make your muscle denser that is going to add body weight............

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    well ok, ive heard about a guy who weighed 160 and could bench press 360lbs

    obviously most guys at low body fat who are very muscular and short cant do this
    at 160lbs

    then wouldnt the muscle be likely to get much more dense?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    well ok, ive heard about a guy who weighed 160 and could bench press 360lbs

    obviously most guys at low body fat who are very muscular and short cant do this
    at 160lbs

    then wouldnt the muscle be likely to get much more dense?
    I think its all about genetic potential and if you have more of the right muscle fibbers than not....

  5. #5
    If you stay around the 1-5 rep range and stick with more complex free weight movements, you will build a massive amount of strength without a great level of muscle hypertrophy. The reasoning behind this is that you are challenging your neuromuscular coordination, with the heavier weights and more complex lifts (snatch, etc.) A lot of bodybuilders would prefer machines like the leg press and hack squat as compared to a snatch. There is more muscle isolation with the leg press and hack squat and as a result, the nervous system is challenged much less. This results in a greater level of muscle hypertrophy for the bodybuilder.

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