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Thread: Workout Frequency/Splits, etc.

  1. #1

    Workout Frequency/Splits, etc.

    Right now I'm currently doing a 3-day split-M,W,F-which can be viewed in this forum heading under the "Please Critique my Routine" post. I was wondering if breaking it down even further and maybe working out 4 or even 5 times a week would be more beneficial to my goal of achieving mass? I'm leaving for my sophomore year of college next week and I'll have some free time and would love to come up with a workout routine to best maximize my time and goals. Thanks.

  2. #2
    i just moved into my dorm im a freshman heres what i would do
    if u can workout on weekends put legs on sat and put rest day on thurs

  3. #3
    Yeah, I have my own appartment this year with a full fitness facility, so working out on the weekends is no problem. That break-down sounds pretty sweet. What's your workout routine like? Thanks for replying by the way.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    Yeah, I have my own appartment this year with a full fitness facility, so working out on the weekends is no problem. That break-down sounds pretty sweet. What's your workout routine like? Thanks for replying by the way.
    Im more focused on strength right now..Im doing more of a powerlifitng routine..but I will do bodybuilding exercises for smaller bodyparts like arms and shoulders..pretty much everything besides bench, deads and squats
    Sunday- Speed Bench 50% of max 8 sets of 3
    shoulders bb work

    Monday-Heavy squat day Work up to a max single on parallel box (about 8-10 sets) or variations of good mornings work up to a heavy single (same 8-10 sets)

    Either Monday or Tuesday speed deads 50% of max 1 rep 8 sets

    Wednesday-heavy bench day 3, 4, or 5 board work supplemented by full raw bench every 4th or 5th week 8-10 sets work up to max triple, then single

    Friday-Deads rack pulls or normal deads 8-10 sets work up to max
    lately I have done 5 sets sumo, 5 sets conventional bc I have never really done sumo
    Back work bb
    Speed Squat

    Saturday-arm bb exercises

    Hope this helps..ask questions if any of it does not make sense

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    You can grow fine from 3 days per week.. lots of recovery time, just hit them hard and heavy when you're in there...

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