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Thread: german volume training...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    german volume training...

    from reading testimonies and poliquin's write ups it seems this style of training is good way to put on mass, but they do not go into depth of how it actually works, all they say is "it targets a group of motor units, exposing them to an extensive volume of repeated efforts, specifically, 10 sets of a single exercise. The body adapts to the extraordinary stress by hypertrophying the targeted fibers."

    Does anyone have anymore answers or reason's why this traiing is effective? Or am i asking for too much???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I've read a little bit about GVT. I tried it for a while and it definitely is effective. I believe GVT is when you do ten sets of ten reps of a compound exercise such as the bench or the squat. When determining which weight to start at, choose one where you can complete a set of 20 reps. Then i believe it is recommended a few sets of an isolation movement. Sorry if any of this is incorrect, it's been a few years.

  3. #3
    I have read about GVT by Charles Poliquin over at Take the squat, for example. With this multi-joint exercise you create a lot of muscle fiber damage to numerous muscle groups (quads, glutes, hams, etc.). That will eliminate the need for numerous exercises. Take the squat to ten sets and you do severe muscle damage to multiple muscle groups. If adequate nutrition and rest are covered then the body will supercompensate to handle to workload for next time. In my experience, you have to watch out for overuse injuries with this method.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NSHOOTER320
    I've read a little bit about GVT. I tried it for a while and it definitely is effective. I believe GVT is when you do ten sets of ten reps of a compound exercise such as the bench or the squat. When determining which weight to start at, choose one where you can complete a set of 20 reps. Then i believe it is recommended a few sets of an isolation movement. Sorry if any of this is incorrect, it's been a few years.

    yes it is the "10sets of 10" training method with timed rest intervals

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hmmm sounds like something for my new leg routine

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