I've been powerlifting now for 3 years seriously and lifting for 5. I am really starting to feel it in my joints and knees now and want to do more bodybuilding then just strength training. I want to keep the basics in my training like squats on leg day, benching on chest day and deadlifts on back day, but more for form and sculpting. Along with assistance movements can anyone help me put together a decent plan? ex:
Sun: (all reps between 4-8)
db laterals 3 sets
military presses 4 sets
bentover laterals
behind neck presses
Mon: (same rep scheme)
squats 5 sets
leg press 3 sets
leg extensions 3 sets
standing leg curls 3 sets
calves 5 sets
Wed: (same)
flat bench 4 sets
db incline 4 sets
dips 4 sets
barbell curls 4 sets
db curls 3 sets
hammer curls 2 sets
Fri (same)
deadlifts 4 sets
bentover bb row 3 sets
seated rows 3 sets
lat pulldown 4 sets
db row (alternating weeks with seated rows) 3 sets
I think I have a good mixup going now, but I feel like I'm starting into a rut. I have an excellent base, nice thickness I just want to start bringing out all the years of hard work and make my physique more asthetic while keeping my size and a good portion of strength. Obviously I want to grow more, but heavy doubles & singles are really starting to play on my joints and I'm too young for that shit.