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Thread: Please read and help!!!

  1. #1

    Please read and help!!!

    in 2 weeks im going to have a arm wrestling contest and i want to win. Im already pretty strong but i need help to know what are the best exercises for the forearms and the biceps and the triceps?? I want to increase my strength what can i do?? Help!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    There ain't much you can magically do in two weeks to prepare for this honestly.

    As well, be careful in such contests. I know a host of people who have really screwed themselves up in the elbow/tendon/bicep area from these events and it's limited the training they are able to do after.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    one good forarm excercise is... do you dumbell curls, supinate your wrists on the way up, but on the decent rotate your wrists so that your palms are facing the floor. This will work your upper forarms and your biceps. I would think also, that in armwrestling your front delts would be very important.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    2 weeks is not much time to do anything.
    i would do very low reps low volume and overcompensate.
    concentrate on having the largest possible amount of energy reserves for the event
    creatine and glyocogen
    maybe some rotator cuff work would be benificial.

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