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Thread: Cardio Workouts? Jumping Rope / Stationary Bike

  1. #1

    Cardio Workouts? Jumping Rope / Stationary Bike

    i want to start getting serious about cardio & adding it to my workout schedule & sticking to it. before i do a bulking cycle again i want to tone up my stomach & have a true six pack. i try to run on my days off but i want to add after my workouts for 15-20mins the following, whats more affective:

    1. jumping rope ( i like that)

    2. stationary bike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Please use the correct forums, I'll move this to the WORKOUT FORUM.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Jumping Rope is bad choice for just getting into shape, if you do not have any reasons (Athletic) to jump rope, just use the stationary bike. Easier on the Good Ole joints too.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    i want to start getting serious about cardio & adding it to my workout schedule & sticking to it. before i do a bulking cycle again i want to tone up my stomach & have a true six pack. i try to run on my days off but i want to add after my workouts for 15-20mins the following, whats more affective:

    1. jumping rope ( i like that)

    2. stationary bike
    It would really depend on how much you needed to reduce your bodyfat by. If you have a lot to lose, I would go with jumping rope. The only negative with this activity is that it is so intense that you might lose some muscle tissue. If you only need to drop a few pounds, I would go with the stationary bike and spare your muscle tissue.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Jumping Rope is bad choice for just getting into shape, if you do not have any reasons (Athletic) to jump rope, just use the stationary bike. Easier on the Good Ole joints too.
    Fully agree, jumping rope is a horrid choice for a plethora of reasons.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Fully agree, jumping rope is a horrid choice for a plethora of reasons.


    Can you explain some of the reasons? I was recently thinking of jumping rope for a morning right outta bed cardio since the weather outside is bad and I have not stationary bike nor a treadmill.

    Im not a fatty really but I would like to add some cardio to my training 2 or 3x a week.

    Jumping jacks or jump rope or something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by gooroo
    Can you explain some of the reasons? I was recently thinking of jumping rope for a morning right outta bed cardio since the weather outside is bad and I have not stationary bike nor a treadmill.

    Im not a fatty really but I would like to add some cardio to my training 2 or 3x a week.

    Jumping jacks or jump rope or something.
    1 it’s a high impact exercise, shin splints are common with jump rope.

    2 keeping track of you MHR. Its a lot easer to keep track of what your doing on a stationary bike or elliptical cross trainer.

    There are many more....

    if you are thinking about using a rope here are some pointer to make it worth it.

    Use a floor surface that is even, non abrasive and limits friction. The length of the rope - when you step on the middle, the end sections of the rope should fit comfortably in the hands and reach the middle of the chest. Remember to lift feet off floor just high enough for the rope to pass quickly. Try not to jump high and land hard. Keep shoulders relaxed and turn the rope with wrists. Have patience. Start slow, then increase slowly. Make sure to land on the padded portion or balls of the feet to avoid knee injuries. This is a high impact exercise as i said, so use caution with regard to your knees and ankles.
    Last edited by S.P.G; 11-28-2005 at 02:00 PM. Reason: typooooo

  8. #8
    Ok I understand now. Guess I will save up and get a bike or treadmill.

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    rope is better for speed work, will make you faster, i would use this as a powerlifter , but to lose wieight and the one that would be eaier on your knees would be the bike

  10. #10
    I have a 18 speed (kills my taint) I might get a thing to allow me to make it a stationary bike. Any idea how much they cost and were once can be obtained?

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