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Thread: Bicep and Tricep in same workout?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell

    Bicep and Tricep in same workout?

    I got a video of Magnus Samuelsson of World's Strongest Man fame. He said in his training routine that you should not train biceps and triceps of the arm in the same session, and he said don't ask him why; just that he knows it does not work.

    Can you guys think of reasons for this? I usually dont train this way anyway, cause I tend to have push and pull days in my training. I seem to notice better pumping when only training one or the other and not both tho.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    I got a video of Magnus Samuelsson of World's Strongest Man fame. He said in his training routine that you should not train biceps and triceps of the arm in the same session, and he said don't ask him why; just that he knows it does not work.

    Can you guys think of reasons for this? I usually dont train this way anyway, cause I tend to have push and pull days in my training. I seem to notice better pumping when only training one or the other and not both tho.

    Any thoughts?

    i dunno bruh i do not train bis and tris togather but i kow plenty that do ad the guys i know that do have some big gunnnsss

  3. #3
    quite a few pros train bis and tris for one workout, with 3-4 exercises each.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    I'd take advice from a bodybuilder over a strongman anyday over advice on how to build your arms.

    I do bi's and tri's same workout. Been doing it for years. My arms are almost 19 inches. No complaints here.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    I'd take advice from a bodybuilder over a strongman anyday over advice on how to build your arms.

    I do bi's and tri's same workout. Been doing it for years. My arms are almost 19 inches. No complaints here.
    i do it similarly......though in actuality i am training my triceps

    recently i changed my routine- to more of a push/pull routine

    With biceps, i'll train chest. But, i work my triceps to an extent when training chest, especially with dips which i do on that day.

    With triceps, i have recently changed my routine pretty recently to back/triceps. this works very nicely. But again, training my back, i am working my biceps to an extent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    The key is always to switch it up.

    I'll train Bi's and Tri's on the same day for a month. Then split it up and train them separetely. I dont mind going into the gym 5-6 days a week.

    I wouldn't see why there would be a problem training them together. They are antagonists and wont conflict.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The only thing that I could see as far as a reason, would be that indirectly when you work bis, you're working the tris as the antagonist muscle and visa versa. So to a degree on the eccentric side of the bi workout, you're concentrically working the tris so he may be considering overtraining.

    I personally vary from week to week. I like working opposite muscles like bis/tris in the same workout or chest/back in the same workout, but not every week. Bis/back and tris/shoulders works for me too

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