Thread: Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
05-06-2002, 11:36 PM #1
Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
Hey Bros,
This is my first thread here, but I was just wondering if anyone
has any experience with using the Swiss Ball for incline db presses.
I've read that Charles Poliquin said this was THE best exercise for
chest. And I've seen some powerlifters use it as an accessory
movement to flat barbell benches, but I've never seen it used as
a bodybuilding movement.
Does anyone do this movement and, if so, what results? Thanks
for any help in advance.
05-07-2002, 12:03 AM #2
Re: Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
Originally posted by Icon
Hey Bros,
This is my first thread here, but I was just wondering if anyone
has any experience with using the Swiss Ball for incline db presses.
I've read that Charles Poliquin said this was THE best exercise for
chest. And I've seen some powerlifters use it as an accessory
movement to flat barbell benches, but I've never seen it used as
a bodybuilding movement.
Does anyone do this movement and, if so, what results? Thanks
for any help in advance.
05-07-2002, 12:43 AM #3
Re: Re: Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
Originally posted by jbrand
I love Swiss Ball exercises, the shape of the ball offers a biomechanically superior position to standard benches. I seem to have to drop the weight on the swiss ball though in the process of achieving a reasonable balance. It's a great addition to any program, I don't do them exclusively but I definetely switch from a standard bench to a swiss ball in many exercises over a period of time.
is from your normal db incline press? Let's say if you usually use 100
lb bells for incline ... what would you use for the Swiss Ball? 60? I
recall that just getting into position on the Swiss Ball to begin pressing
bells was hard as hell (from what I saw, at least).
05-07-2002, 12:51 AM #4
Re: Re: Re: Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
Originally posted by Icon
Thanks for the input, JB. I was wondering what the drop-off in weight
is from your normal db incline press? Let's say if you usually use 100
lb bells for incline ... what would you use for the Swiss Ball? 60? I
recall that just getting into position on the Swiss Ball to begin pressing
bells was hard as hell (from what I saw, at least).
05-07-2002, 11:43 AM #5
The balance factor adds a nice little burn since the pecs have to stay contracted to support any lateral movement. Start with at least 1/2 of your normal incline weight and get the feel and balance first.
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