Just wanted to seperate the men from the boys. This is my story(I think the reasoning is obvious.)
The reason why I love Squats.
This is when you've put your body to the limits and made it through. When blood blast out of your nose for the first time in mid squat and you've been at the sticking point for an eternity and you blackout and can no longer fill the pain of the steel bar across your back that holds close to three times your body weight, but you know the only way is up. Then you regain conciseness in one of two places
1. on the ground with a trainer or coach in your face asking if your ok
2. in a fully upright position, hearing the roar of the weight room in disbelief of what they've just seen , seeing yourself in the mirror through your own blood and realizing that your a badass.
Dose any one else have a name for that place you go when the pain dissapears?