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Thread: Ouch my legs. Why are they so darn sore.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Angry Ouch my legs. Why are they so darn sore.

    First time i did legs, I done about 2sets,5sets,3sets,2sets on legs. After that my leg had a good pump feeling, i streched out. It felt good the next day too, thepump feeling, so i when to the gym to do chest but befor that i streched my legs and my legs go losen anways after that i went for a 5min run on the snow mill or whatever you call it, then done my chest workout then went home, sat on the seat for 20mins, when i got off, it felt so sore and swolloen.

    As of now, its day 3 morning since the leg workout and its very sore and sollowen feeling, i cant even walk, i have to go on my tip toes or if i try and walk flat footed, its kills and impossible to even try.

    Is this normal or did i go over my body limit?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: Ouch my legs. Why are they so darn sore.

    Originally posted by vinh
    Is this normal or did i go over my body limit?
    Yes and no, in that order.

    Quite simply, you worked muscles that you had either not worked before or not worked in that particular way before. Doing 12 sets for the first time is a bit much, and chances are that your muscles simply built up a bit of acidity. Lighten the workout temporarily, knowing that the pain will cease as your legs become used to a more intensive routine. Also, if your gym has a whirlpool, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, or sauna/steamroom, use it - that will help break down the acidity build-up in your muscles.

    By the way, Vinh, it's been a while - nice to see you back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Right now iam in pain, it feels tight, i wish i could walk and get a drink.. too bad no ones home and i cant even walk, my toes are hurting from tippytoeing to the computer, i fell over 2 nights this morning trying to get out of bed, the pain kills. Feels so swollen. Pump pain is good but just not too much... but looking at the good side i get a day home from school hehe,

    teacher: "Mr vin, why were u away?"

    me: "Sir i was working out my legs"

    teacher: "are you ok?"

    me: "its a tiny tiny bit sore but doctors and profesionals are advising me
    to stay home a few more days"

    teacher: "dam, how much did u do"

    me: "didnt keep count, so many numbers, the gym didnt have enought weights, i must ring them tommorow to find out how much weight they had and get back to you"

    slap slap sorry i was just dreaming

    Thx, nice to be back with yous guys, at last i got motivation and now iam training all body parts.
    Last edited by vinh; 05-07-2002 at 05:50 PM.

  4. #4
    I train legs all the time and when ever i do im sore for at least 3 days later just keep hitting them hard Thats why most people dont train legs because they know how much pain it is going to be Once you body gets used to the poundage then it wont hurt as much Whatever you do dont stop doing legs It might hurt but the end result is worth it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    so let me get this correct 100% that it will be sore for 3 days and nearly disable your walking? but if i keep working on my legs for abouth a month (4 legworkouts) i will start to notice the pain going away?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Don't worry Vinh! The pain you are expereincing is normal for working your legs out hard for the first time. If you work them hard next week, they will still get stiff and sore, but nowhere near as bad. The crippling pain and stiffness goes down considerably over the first couple of weeks. After a couple of months you won't have near the problem you do this time!

    Soon you will miss the days when you could work your legs so hard with so little effort!
    Last edited by Ajax; 05-07-2002 at 10:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    dam.. i cant miss school anymore. ahh well i will do leg workouts on a friday and hopefully by monday morning, its all good and ready to school, if not my mum is going to kill me and tell me not to workout the legs (parents can be pain sometimes too but it will go away in a few years when i get out of home lol)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I done a quick research.

    More than 300 individual muscles enable your limbs to work and give your body shape and definition. If you spend time properly stretching and strengthening them, you're rewarded with strength, power and flexibility.

    On the other hand, if your muscles are improperly trained or injured, you may end up with significant problems. Many of us have seen the serious consequences of an abrupt muscle tear: A sprinter rounding the turn suddenly drops, clutching a torn hamstring.

    A muscle tear may be partial or complete and caused either by a direct blow or by overexertion. There are three degrees of muscle ruptures. A first-degree strain involves less than 5 percent of the muscle. You may notice only mild pain and not lose much strength or range of motion. We sometimes refer to these mild tears as pulled muscles.

    A second-degree tear is a greater rupture that stops short of a complete tear. Any contraction of the torn muscle will cause pain. With either a first- or second-degree tear, you may feel a defect of the muscle - a bump or an indentation - at the site of the most pain. You should be able to partially contract the muscle, but you may not be able to walk or stand without pain or a limp.

    A third-degree rupture is a complete tear across the width of the muscle. You will be unable to contract the muscle. This is what happens when someone suddenly drops while sprinting. The torn end of the muscle may ball up and form a large lump under the skin, and a great deal of internal bleeding occurs. Severely torn muscles may require surgery to heal properly.

    I got that from google seach //


    I think i have the 2nd-degree tear.
    * "bump or an identation" <-- well yeh i think so, my calf is bigger
    * "You should be able to partially contract the muscle"
    * "be able to walk or stand without pain or a limp"

    Anways to be sure, i got my mum to go and get some cream for torn muscles at the pharmacy.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I don't think you have a muscle injury--though a hard first workout may make you feel like you crippled yourself for life!

  10. #10
    Hey vinh....when I started working my legs heavy 3 years ago I went through the same thing. Heck one night I got home and went and sat on the toilet and when done I had to use the doorknob to pull my ass up! My legs WOULD NOT lift me up...hahahahaha. It does get better but if you continue to go up in wieght you will always have some soreness....that I know.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    north of the South, east
    That isn't a bad thing at all. I used to do legs on Saturday and there were times I had to skip my leg workout the next Saturday because they were still sore. I miss the days when I could hardly walk. At least you know you worked hard.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    no where
    my legs stay sore all week
    they where sore sunday
    went heavy today they feel better but tomorrow they will b sore till friday

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    long island new york
    Try doing feeder workouts. It will help recovery and sorness by bringing a fresh supply of blood and nutrients into the muscle and "clean out all the bad stuff". Give it a shot and let me know how it works out for you.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    hmm, dont wanna go to school tomorrow, time to do such leg workout ?

  15. #15
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    Nov 2001

  16. #16
    TryingHard's Avatar
    TryingHard is offline Yes thats me in the Avatar!!! A wanna be BB!!
    Join Date
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    Human waste in Fort Bragg
    My leg workout is the most intense workout i do. Yesterday i worked legs went up to 450 on squats, about blew my right knee out. then i move on to leg press, there is something about pressing a 1/4 ton that turns me on Just remember to warm you legs up before a workout. Most people jump right into squats, start with leg extensions then move on to the heavy stuff...peace...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If your having probs with soreness the next day go and ride the bike at the gym for a while, just to get the blood flowing throw them i find this always helps me cope with the pain i have inflicted in myself.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    They'll get sore man. It happens alot. My legs are sore once or twice a week from working them. Maybe from muscle regenration/growth???????????

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I sure hope his legs are better by now.............he's had 1 year 5 months and 22 days to heal! Sorry Hoss just bustin on ya a little. hahaha

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Ahhh yeah that good old day after leg feeling. My man's above is right drop back a couple of sets. Stretch throughout your workout and after. Ride the bike a little after to help disperse the latic acid. Whrilpools saunas jacuzzi are good to. My legs are freakin killin me right now. One thing is don't lose that intensity. Alot of people don't like training legs because think about it, unlike alot of other bodyparts your not walking on them all day.

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